💞Emilia Pov💞
OK This Seemed easy enough just walked in there get the Retailer attention and finally get my ears pierced and today is the day I won't cower.
I breathe in taking a deep breath this is what I want and no one is going to stop me not even a stupid rule I am so Done with rules, I am so Done with the people I thought were my family and I am so Done with Noah.
This time I'm starting afresh far away from all of them and maybe this time if I'm careful I won't get caught.
This is my Life and no Noah to boss me around.
I took in a Deep breath dimming my eyes shut pushing my way in as the Door rings the Bell above the Door.
This place was pretty much Dull, mixed with the harsh stench of ink and probably blood I guess not what I expected but who would want to get their ears or anywhere pierced everyday it's Horrifying, why am I here to get my Ears Pierced because it's something I always wanted to do but Noah refused like he Denied everything and probably banishes anything and anyone from my life and that's why I ran away, I'm so sick and tired of being bossed around.
"Welcome to Detroit Ink Spot how may I help you.. " A girl behind the Counter said from the Looks of it she Looks like a Teenager she already had a Tattoo on her arm, it was a Rose with a Name inscribed on it.
'Aubrey' I mouthed squinting my eyes getting a look at her Tattoo, I looked around There were many Displays of Tattoos from Horrific to beautiful.
My eyes Darted to the Display of Earrings on a Shelf, I walked towards the Shelf Examining the different types of Earrings.
"Welcome.. " I Jerked back a little turning to see a Young Man behind Aprons like he was busy before hand.
"Hi... " Hi that's it that's all I could say I sat in a Train For ten hours thinking of what I could say or how I could start my first conversation and I said Hi.
He Chuckled at my Fragile Display of Bravery pushing his hands behind him.
"Welcome to Detroit Ink Spot, I see this is your First time so what will it be... " He said grabbing hold of my hand, I shrieked back getting what he thought.
"oh no I'm not here for a Tattoo.. " I chimed as my cheeks flushed red a little bit, he arched one of his brow making his expression look Manly and Questionable.
"So I assume you are here For a Piercing.. " He said pushing a Strand behind my hair revealing my Virgin Earlobe that has never been Peirce.
"Yes... That's it.... " What is wrong with me I can't even talk to Cute Tattooist did I just call him cute.
"You're Cute... " I Clamped my Fingers over my lips changing the mood of the atmosphere.
"Thank you... " He Combed his Hair back revealing a Skull with Swords driven down Tattoo, maybe I should get a Tattoo.
"I mean you're Cute because everyone is Cute Like Your Sister is Cute.. " I said pointing at the girl at the counter earlier.
"That's not my Sister.. " You know what I should stop talking before I Blurt out any more Garbage.
"Just Give me a Piercing.. " I Facepalmed myself as he Chuckled taking hold of my Hand and taking me to the counter.
"Sylvia You are Up Your First Customer.. " He Said Gleefully as the girl just Glared at me and went back to texting on her phone.
"Maybe it was a big mistake coming here I don't want to really Disturb her... " I said in her Defense she didn't look interested and hell no she's not Getting my ears pierced when I'm still alive.
"Sylvia Drop the Phone before I smash it into smattering... " He growled.
"it's my Break.. " She said blankly.
"And that's why you are going to do it for her Free it's Coming off your Pay.. " She groaned as I die in Awkwardness in the inside, this isn't what I expected or planned.
"Fine Go Over There and Pick an Earring you Like or whatever I'll be with you soon.. " She said as I did what she ordered going to the other side of the shop, my eyes Darted to many choices Crap, I could buy them all but I don't really have enough money on me and I'm Lucky I'm getting this one for free.
I picked one blue gem crystal earring, It is perfect.
I picked it waiting for Sylvia as she went in to get her equipments.
This is only going to be a pinch it's not that painful and besides That Cute Tattooist won't be here to see me Scream.
I spoke too soon or should I say I thought too soon he came out where Sylvia went in holding something like a Gun but with a sharp needle at the tip.
"Ummh where is Sylvia? " I asked please don't tell me he's going to do my piercing.
"She's at the back taking care of a Customer so i decided to Do your piercing instead before she makes your ear bleed on Purpose.." he said.
"How Thoughtful..." I gritted in between my teeth sinking my fingers in the pad of the arm of the chair.
He First put in something like a bullet or something making it look like a real Gun.
"Are you Ready?? " He asked
What was I thinking I wasn't ready for a piercing.
"No.... " I Yelped faintly as he let out a giggle that eased my nerves a bit he squat down a little as he grabbed the end of the piercing Gun.
"What's Your Name?? " he asked
"Emilia Campbell... " I replied as he squishes the Soft Ends of my Ear.
"Nice Name You are Above 18 right??" he asked as I nod.
"I'm 19......." I said
He leans Forward as his lips brushes my earlobe.
"This is going to Hurt Just Calm down and what ever you do don't attack.. " I nod having my hand Clenched to the pad of my chair.
He Darted the Piercing Gun Directly At my ear lobe releasing the trigger.
"Holy Shit..... "
♦️Benjamin Pov ♦️
"Get Out ..." I Yelled so loud I'm sure the Entire building heard me.
"But... But Ben.... "
"Are you Deaf I already told you I don't bed more than once, Look at yourself and look at me I'm Benjamin Dark the CEO of Darks Empire, and you are nothing but a stripper you were being paid for your service now leave my office.. " I said raising my voice.
"But We Had a Connection... I Love you.. "
"I've heard it all before Get Out before You are more than Humiliated.. " I said as she picked up her Purse and exit my office.
"You Had Fun... " She said I looked up to see her in a red Stripped Dress, she let her hair down in a wave, the red lipstick highlight her lips in a Seductive Pucker without her even trying if I wasn't in my one chance rule I would have banged her.
"What are you Doing In Detroit?? " I asked as she made her way towards me.
"Ehmmm I work here and I miss you.. " She said as I rolled my eyes in her Flimsy waste of an excuse.
"Liar... " I said as she rolled her eyes.
"Well I'm back for Good and I heard You are Hiring another assistant?? " she asked in disbelief like she knew I wasn't going to go back on my word someday.
"I've Moved on.. " I said plainly.
"Ben you are going to Endanger the next poor Soul who takes this Job remember what Happened to Amira?? " she said.
"Amira was my Fiance and she's Gone and I've moved on this is for Business only, trust me I've moved on don't be worried about me.. "
"I'm not worried about you... I'm worried about the next person that takes This Job, reconsider someone who can handle you like a Male..." I said.
"No.... a Female is great for the Job, they are quick and they will get the job done asap.. " I said ignoring her complaints.
"What if she Finds about the real you there is a reason we didn't bother looking for one after Amira what if she Dies too.. " She said worried.
"She won't Find out now stop worrying, I have this under Control I'll just Inform Liam to get me one... "
"You know how girls are crazy for you it's going to be hard picking from a Thousand that see you as their Soulmate.. " she said.
"Liam will take care of That if you excuse me I need to get back to work.. " I said as she exits my office Furious.
💞Emilia's Pov 💞
I Jerked Violently knocking the Piercing Gun away from his grasp as my knuckles bruised his left eye giving him a black eye.
"What the Fuck Happened?? " Sylvia dashed in with a tattoo gun in her Hand on hearing our struggles.
"I'm so sorry.. " I Said while he tries to Suppress the Pain.
Sylvia throws away the tattoo Gun as she picks up the Piercing Gun.
"Get up Black Eye.. " Sylvia yell at him while he groaned and finally faces me.
"I'm sorry.. " I apologized again but I still feel guilty.
"it's okay I should have known you were new to this and did it Gently.. " he said but I still feel bad.
"Enough with the Sympathy so Liam you have to Distract her while I give it a try... " Liam that's his name.
Liam squats facing me.
"I've never seen you around, so What's a pretty girl like you doing in Detroit... " he asked I blushed a little as he gently squeezes my fingers.
"Freedom.. " I muttered under my breath dimming my eyes shut as my Past Flashed before my eyes.
"Done.... " Sylvia said putting down the piercing Gun, I didn't feel much pain and better yet I got my piercing .
I put on my earrings apologizing one last time to Liam.
"Don't bother and if you are interested there's one spot open in Darks Empire for a personal assistant and you are perfect for the Job.. " He said.
"Thanks but I think I'll pass.. " I remember I need to keep a low profile.
"But If You need anything here is my Number and probably if you change your mind the spot is wide open you can check out the surroundings if you want.." he said giving me a card.
"I'll keep that in mind, thank you.. " I said about exiting the shop but bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm sorry... " I looked up to the his identity was hidden by a mask that covered his full face except his eyes though like he was avoiding being Noticed.
He ignored me as he shouldered past me but stopped.
"Nice Earrings... " He said I couldn't make out if he was teasing or actually complimenting me.
"Thanks.. " I Shrugged exiting the shop I'm just glad they didn't realize who am I, maybe I'll take that Job.
♦️Benjamin Pov♦️
"Finally paid a Visit what are you doing here don't you have a Company to run.. " Liam asked as Sylvia waved at me and I nodded noticing her.
"That's why I have employees, Any Luck Finding the new PA.. " I asked
"six girls applied so Far ..." he said.
"What about that one... " I gestured to the girl that exit the shop not too long ago.
"Don't even about it She's New to Detroit and she Declined.. " he said.
"Cancel the six I want her.. " I said facing Liam.
"Should I turn up the volume she Declined.. "
"And I could Care less, I Want her and you are going to get her ..."
"as you wish.. "
To be continued

Romance"Fuck... " I muttered under my breath which got Ben's attention his eyes widened in shock on finally noticing me. "Hey... " I finally broke the dead silence and not for a second did Ben look away. He didn't reply he only got up from the bed foldin...