"You Are Hiding Somethi....." My words were Cut Short as Liam Shut me up with a Kiss.
He didn't even Let me Finish what I had to say as he hesitantly deepens the kiss, inadvertently I returned the kiss realizing what I'm doing I jerked off from Liam's Grip, we both looked at each other In complete shock but mine was inestimable, I just pinned down the locks looking directly at the windshield plopping back against my seat.The Silence after that was Harsh and awkward and I did not have a choice did I.
"Emilia.... " Liam Whisper but I just ignore folding my arms across my chest letting out a loud enough exhale for us both to hear.
"What are you Hiding, I can handle the Truth does it have to do with Amira?? " He was just quiet hiding in a Subtle expression making it hard for me to read him.
"Trust me Emilia you don't want to know... " He sound worried, Worried for my safety which I could care less.
He lean towards me again I just bow and nod sideways."Just Drive... " I said coldly I don't really need to be confused
is Liam a good guy ?
Is Ben a Bad Guy??
Of course he is he nearly stripped me unclad the thought of what happened earlier left me flustered till now.
If Ben is Bad Though is Liam Bad ??
For God's sake what kind of Supply are they talking about.
Is it Drugs
Maybe Ben is a Drug Dealer in Disguise and using Darks Empire as his Cover to throw suspicion from the Authorities.
But Why is Liam Helping Ben if the Business is illegal
So Ben is a Drug DealerMy Head Hurts I just wish I can make Liam Spill the Beans so I can get a dish of what exactly is going on here
Why the Fuck did I accept this Job.
After a Continued Session of Intense Silence the Car's Engine coughed bringing me back to reality as Liam Started driving.
I looked down at my thigh the Files Ben wants me to drop at his place first thing by 6 in the morning if my Job wasn't hard enough I have to deal with a Possessive Bastard, Sometimes I wish I wasn't born.
"I'm sorry about kissing you.... " he apologized I really wasn't interested in his sob story if he won't tell me anything then fine I'm not saying anything, I have to find out what actually they do or at least know what Supplies they are talking about.
I just shrugged and let out a loud hiss only me and him could hear and I knew he wasn't comfortable with me giving him the silence treatment.
Liam parked in front of Becca's apartment I looked at the apartment the lights were down which is strange because Becca usually have a beer party with the Neighbors and last time I had to sleep in her room she insisted I sleep in because it was going to be wild.
I picked up the files I felt Liam grip tightly on my upper arm, I didn't really want to put up with his crap this evening not after I put up with Ben's Crap.
"Please Just Trust me... " He he groaned I just sigh and nod he lits up and I Flinched from his grip.
"I just need to think and you being around is not helping, and don't pick me up tomorrow I don't need to be dependent on you always, thank you for the ride... " I said and I knew he felt bad but I just need a day or two processing what actually is going on and with Ben and Liam on my nerves it's stressful so I need to cut one off for now, not Ben though because he'll kill me.
"it's okay I hope you actually come around.. " he murmured and I just only nod clicking on the door handle and letting myself out of the car and slamming it behind me I don't know how I'm supposed to feel right now but I feel kinda torn and confused.

Romance"Fuck... " I muttered under my breath which got Ben's attention his eyes widened in shock on finally noticing me. "Hey... " I finally broke the dead silence and not for a second did Ben look away. He didn't reply he only got up from the bed foldin...