The Beginning

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When I awoke, all I could see was water. In panic, I failed my arms around aimlessly as my body rose to the surface; the feeling of my lungs burning to the point of needing to breath. At this point I was ready to inhale the water and see what it does. It was until I felt my hand touch the wind above the surface, that a wave of relief filled my body. The fresh air that filled my burning lungs, had caused me to cough roughly a few times. Once regaining composure, I looked around with blurry vision until I noticed land to the right side not far from where I was.

Taking a deep breath, I used all of the strength I had left I swam. My muscles began to ache and burn to minute I started swimming, my head occasionally dunking underwater; water getting in my mouth leaving a fowl salty taste inside. Even with the disgusting water and aching muscles, throughout the struggle with the sea y mind was only prioritized with one thing.

'Please be okay,' I thought, crawling on all fours once I was far enough on land to do so. I panted, trying to regain composure once again as I collapsed; completely drained from my swim. I looked up into the dusk sky, taking in deep breaths; visions of the three of them showing in my head. 'Get up Valkyrie, you need to find them and make sure they're okay.'

I groaned as I slowly sat up, hearing my bones cracking in the process; some hurting more than others as they do so. Finally having the strength to stand up properly, I fought through the burning sensation I felt in my muscles and ran; ran as fast as I could towards the battle grounds. As I drew closer the more I realized how quiet it was; too quiet. What I should be hearing is the sound of metal clanking against each other, battle cries, and occasional explosions from magical attacks; but all I could hear was the sound of birds chirping and leaves rustling in the wind.

Finally making it to the clearing, I stopped at the edge and tense at the view. What I saw had e confused. Instead of bodies lying everywhere, there were flowers and grass everywhere. Everything was peaceful and not hectic as it should be. I felt my stomach turn at the feeling of worry being embedded in my nerves, as the only thing on my mind at the moment was finding them.

Using the last bit of energy I had I opened my retractable wings and took off into the air. I scanned the ground as I flew, nervous that I'd find their dead bodies laying somewhere. Not finding them on the battlefield gave me a wave of relief; but also left me even more confused. If they weren't there... then where are they? And why did the battlefield not look like a battlefield?

My mind was filled with multiple thoughts and questions. Maybe they went back to the demon realm? Did they go looking for me? Did we win the war? How long was I out?

Eventually, I gave up. I couldn't find them anywhere and I was completely drained. I looked forward with a sigh, relief washing over me as I saw a nearby village coming into view. Not knowing how they'll react to my demon side, I swooped down and retracted my wings back into my body and turned off my demonic power; deciding to walk to town instead to keep it safe.

As I walked - well more like limped - into the village, I looked around seeing people acting lively. Kids running around and playing with one another, villagers laughing and talking with one another while either drinking ale or just enjoying the company. It was until someone looked in my direction and their shocked reaction made other villagers follow her gaze to look at me as well. Nobody moved and their faces contorted in a way where you might've thought they have seen a ghost standing before them.

I then slowly looked down at myself and soon realized why they weren't moving and their reaction towards me. Y clothes were tattered and torn, as well as completely drenched with water and blood. Scrapes and cuts were all over my body and a large claw mark on my right shoulder. Slowly I looked up at the villagers again, breathing heavily; before I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head and y whole body go limp.

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