They've Returned

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"Are you sure you don't want to go to Meliodas' ceremony?" Neal asked, as i set down a plate of food in front of him.

"I made a promise to the King that I'd lend a hand today, besides it was too short of notice for me to attend," I said with a shrug, "It's no big deal really."

"It might be for Meliodas though," Ezabell said, "You guy just reunited, maybe he wants you there."

"I don't want to waste time going to a ceremony that I wasn't even welcome to in the first place," I said, looking over at them, "End of conversation."

Both Neal and Ezabell looked at one another, before looking over at me; Neal being the one to talk, "Did something happen last night when you and Meliodas talked?"

"What?! That's ridiculous," I said, looking down to put my shoes on, "Everything is fine between us."

"Are you sure?" Ezabell asked, "Because you looked a little sad when you-"

"Look I'm fine alright, just drop the conversation already," I snapped, looking at them annoyed.

The both of them flinched at my sudden outburst and the air grew thick with discomfort. Normally I never yell at any of the kids, so I guess me finally snapping really shocked them. It shocked me too to be completely honest.

"Look," I sighed, calming down as I rubbed my face, "Everything is fine between Meliodas and I okay? I just don't want to let the king down by just ditching what I came here to do. Meliodas will understand that I couldn't make it."

"If you say so..." Neal said, before walking upstairs without saying goodbye.

Ezabell sighed and wiped her mouth before standing up; making her way upstairs as well as she spoke, "Thank you for the meal Val, it was good. See you later."

I huffed and shook my head before, deciding it was time for me to leave. I finished putting on my shoes and tied my hair up in a ponytail before I headed out. I stayed silent for my walk, admiring the kingdom as I did so. I never really thought I'd ever be walking so calmly in a human kingdom. Last one I was in I was ordered to destroy it and kill all who I saw. Now, I'm doing the complete opposite and helping the humans rebuild from an apparent demon attack. Talk about irony...

I looked forward and noticed a bunch of others doing construction, "I guess that's where I'm supposed to help out?" I strolled my way over to where, I'm guessing, the head of the project was standing and stood to the side of him.

"Yes can I help you?" He asked turning his attention to me, before back at the workers who were lifting up wood on a pulley system to bring it up higher.

"Uh, I'm Valkyrie," I said, Watching as well, "I was sent here by the king to come and help you out with repairs? Uh, is that pulley system sturdy? It seems it's about to break."

"Look kid I don't have time for your fun and games. Now why don't you run along to that ceremony and let the men work," He told me.

I widened my eyes and looked at him as I growled, "Excuse me?! Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't do what you guys are doing!"

"I said get out of here!" The man yelled, turning his back to the workers and looked at me.

"Look out!"

The sudden sound of rope snapping echoed through the air as the wood soon started to plummet back down to earth right on top of the workers that were standing near it.

I suddenly took action and used my shadow powers to bring up the shadows the wood created and solidized the shadows to catch them in time before they were able to touch the workers and raised them up to where the workers were trying to put them in the first place.

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