Flippy X Reader (SHORT)

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~Reader's P.O.V also you're a female, sorry~

Keeping my husband sane was a hard task. So most of the time, we both spent the time together lounging on the couch watching something nice and calming. I were busy taking a nap but my phone going off interrupted that. I groaned and got up. It was a phone call from the one and only, FLIPPY!!! Woohoo! Yeah, well the call wasn't that great.. Supposedly, something happened while he was out to get some food and he said he needed you near him right now. I hurried and got my shoes on and rushed out to go get him. He always went to the same supermarket so it was gonna be easy to find him. I saw him as soon as I  walked into the supermarket. Shit. He was freaking out. He was on the floor, holding his knees up close to him, rocking back 'n forth, mumbling something. "Flippy?" I said before sitting down next to him. I began to rub his back. He looked at me, looking like he was about to cry. Which he did, right onto me. He had his face on my chest. I was rubbing his back while saying things like, "Shh, it'll be ok," and "Don't worry." It seemed to calm him down enough that he stopped crying and rocking back and forth. I stood up. "C'mon love, lets go." I said, smiling and holding a hand out for him to grab. He took my hand and got up. "Ok..." He said. "Love you." "Love you too, thanks for calming me down.." "Anything for you."

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