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Hoseok finally came back to sun with the - now hot - plates of spaghetti.

"I just felt like no body ever does anything nice for you. You deserve it," Hoseok looked up at the sun.

Sun was struggling to find a way to eat the spaghetti and it didn't even know if it could, seeing as it had no mouth.

"Hoseok, can you pass me my spaghetti?" Sun asked. Hoseok thought about how and then he finally stood up. He picked up the spaghetti and threw it into the sky. It came back down and the plate broke on the paving stones.

"It's fine, we can share right?" Hoseok asked, looking at the spaghetti on the floor and feeling defeated.

"I mean, if you want to," Sun blushed.

Hoseok and Sun ate the spaghetti together, and there was some romance brewing.

"I'm really sorry Hoseok, but I'm going to be late for my shift. Moon has already called me. I have to go," Sun said sadly.

"It's okay, I'll see you tomorrow. I'm starting to really like you," Hoseok smiled.

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow," You couldn't barely see sun anymore since it had passed the horizon, "I've always liked you, (since you turned 18 because I'm not a pedophile) Hoseok,"

With that, sun left and Hoseok thought about what Sun said. Does Sun really like him? Or is Sun getting his hopes up for no reason.

Truth be told, Hoseok likes the sun too. He always thought it was really pretty. Hoseok thought some more as he was putting the chairs and table back inside.


"Wait, I think he's done now," Jin told the other 5 who were looking out of the window with him.

"I'm still confused with why the hell he was having dinner with himself for the past hour," Jungkook sighed.

"Yeah, and why there's a broken plate of spaghetti on the floor," Taehyung said.

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