chapter two

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I awoke from my deep sleep with a probably unattractive stretch accompanied by a loud exasperated sigh.

Rubbing my eyes and looking around I noticed that the sun was shining brightly out of the grey sheers covering the dusty window across my bed.

Groaning, I lazily swung my legs around and stood up, earning another stretch of my body.

I stumbled into my small bathroom area and looked at the reflection.

I'm not that big, actually I'm quite small due to the minimum amount of food I can afford. It's enough to get by though.

I regretfully trailed my eyes up from my stomach towards my face, scrunching my nose in disappointment.

I don't understand how people like me exist. My grey eyes were lifeless and dull, my face pale as the rest of my body, my lips where pale aswell and also very chapped.

Unlike everybody else in this world, I looked dead but alive at the same time, and I'm still not sure how that is possible.

Shaking my head I slowly walked towards the petite closet that held very few of my clothes.

I grabbed a large blue jean jacket, dark navy tee that had a design that I couldn't recognize, black leggings, and my light brown work boots.

After changing into my clothes I threw my blue hair into a messy bun before grabbing my blackberry phone, wallet, door key, my pack of cigarettes, and my lighter before heading out of the door locking it behind me.

I trotted down the two flights of stairs that I've grown to know and love.

I gave Paula a small wave and a quick goodbye and pushed open the door causing the familiar bell to chime.

I strode off into the city, walking along the paved sidewalks, it wasn't as busy at the moment but it was only around 7 a.m. so the only people occupying the street were business people rushing to work.

As I neared the small grocery store I've been visiting weekly for about 2 years now named "Carol's Food Mart" I smiled to myself and walked into the cold yet heart warming atmosphere.

I grabbed a small, metal basket that carried the groceries and went on with my business.

As I looked around for the essentials like tampons, milk, sodas, and food I felt a weird presence around me.

I shook off the feeling and kept on walking to the checkout counter with my items, smiling at the old man working the register who's name is "Greg" as I read on his name tag.

Quickly grabbing my wallet to pay for the items I also grabbed my fake I.D. and asked for cigarettes to which the kind man asked what brand and I answered with my usual.

A couple minutes later I left the small, abandoned store, still feeling a weird sensation in the pit of my stomach.

I glanced around my surroundings seeing nothing out of the usual, I just hummed in response before walking back towards my apartment, bags in hand.

I was about 10 minutes away from the building I call home meaning I was toward the downtown area of the city.

As I walked blissfully I heard shuffling and footprints behind me, as the normal person would do, I turned around.

It seems as if I turned around just in time for a guy in all black and a ski mask to cover my face and lock my arms.

I couldn't scream it felt as if the air had been knocked out of my by a bag of sand.

The last thing I saw were his piercing green eyes.


Aye plot twist hehe

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