✧Chapter 5||Lacrosse✧

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"You did what?" Kira gasped.

Stiles had told Scott, Kira, and Liam what we had done last night in the morgue. As you might expect, they did not take it lightly.

"Why are you surprised? I thought you would expect this type of stuff from us," I laughed, leaning against one of the lockers in the boy's locker room. Sure, I probably wasn't supposed to be here, but whatever.

"That's true," Scott sighed.

Kira, Liam, Scott, and Stiles were all dressed up in their lacrosse gear, ready for lacrosse practice. Then there was me, in my oversized sweater and jeans. I usually went to their lacrosse practices only to see Scott try (and fail) to play the game without his werewolf powers. Also to see if Liam would keep his cool, and see Stiles just fail utterly and miserably. Kira was pretty good, though.

"Let's not talk about this now," Liam said nervously.

"Fine," Stiles grumbled, practically marching out of the locker room.

I followed suite, getting a few catcalls from the other lacrosse boys, but I shut them up by glaring at them fiercely.


I sat on the cold bench next to Malia, who was impatiently tapping her pencil on the seat. Even though I tried to bundle up, the sting of the cold bench seeped right through my jeans. I tried my best to restrain myself from turning into a full on wolf, whose fur was much thicker than Stiles' old lacrosse sweater he had given me last night.

"What took you so long?" Malia asked, her breath coming out in visible puffs.

"Stiles told them about last night. I assume he's already told you, yes?" I asked, feeling the unnatural calmness that happened before it started snowing.

"Yes. I could've came with you," Malia said.

"It was the full moon last night. I don't think Stiles' wanted to risk it," I said. Malia had her control down pretty well, but it could use some work.

"I think I controlled it pretty well last night," Malia said proudly, sitting up straight.

"That's something," I said, turning my attention towards the field, which was now speckled with snow.

"All righty, let's get this going!" Coach Finstock yelled, and even though he was across the wide field, I could still hear him loud and clear. And that was without werewolf hearing.


At about thirty minutes of Stiles falling over, Scott missing the net several times, and Kira beating the living daylights out of all the boys, I was ready to roll over and die. It was freezing, which was something I loved, but I was not prepared for it this time. I eventually had to get up and run around the bleachers just so I could feel my feet again.

I had just sat back down when my arm flew up instinctively. My eyes widened as I saw I had caught a lacrosse ball in my right hand without even knowing it. Thank god for my werewolf senses, or else it probably would have hit me in the face. Someone jogged over, most likely the person who threw it.

"Whoa, I'm sorry. I didn't think that would come this far," he said, nervously scratching the back of his head.

I sized him up, deciding whether I should be mad or not. He was almost a full head taller than me, but he looked the same age. He had an Australian accent, no doubt about that. I decided not to be mad, he seemed nice.

I tossed the lacrosse ball to him, cocking my head. "Just be careful next time."

He smirked, "Sure thing."

"Boys," I grumbled, sitting down next to Malia. My blood was pumping now, I wasn't freezing my butt off anymore.

"Nice catch, by the way," Malia said, smiling.

"Thanks, I guess," I said.


Lacrosse practice ended soon after, and I found my gaze trailing over the boy who had thrown the lacrosse ball at me. I shook my head, not wanting to be attached to some sophomore I didn't know. At least, I think he was a sophomore.

"That's Brandon," I heard someone say.

I look up to see Scott, looking where the boy was walking away. I furrowed my brow at him.

"Okay," was all I could come up with.

"New to the school. He's pretty good at lacrosse, too. I have suspicions about him though," Scott said, taking his jersey off to reveal his white undershirt and pads.

"You have suspicions? I thought that was Stiles' job," I laugh.

"What's my job?" Stiles asked, popping his head around his locker.

"Being suspicious of everything," I said, sticking my tongue out at him. He stuck his out back at me.

"What do you think, Stiles? About that Brandon guy?" Scott asked, now dressed back in his regular T-shirt and pants.

"Eh, maybe. If he is a werewolf, he's got his powers under control. Probably won't be able to invoke him by slamming into him over and over, like Isaac," Stiles laughed, his head disappearing behind the locker again.

I flinched at the mention of Isaac. I had come back to Beacon Hills during the Kanima crisis, and I had quickly become friends with Isaac, who was part of Derek's new pack at the time. I had been there on his first full moon, and I helped him control his power without Derek's spiked headpiece. We didn't really have anything between us, but I kind of wish we did. Then he might of stayed after Allison died.

Kira's voice pulled me out of my head. "Are you ready guys?" she asked, already at the locker room door with Malia.

I got up from the locker room bench, Scott, Stiles, and Liam behind me. I walked out the room, leading the way to Stiles' jeep. It would be a tight fit, but we would all catch a ride to Stiles' place, where we would fill everyone in on the possible monster who was ripping people's hearts out.

And maybe, just maybe, Lydia might know what it is.


Well would you look at that, a new chapter within a week ha. Long-ish chapter, I guess. And ooo, a new character maybe? And I just really wanted to put that part about Isaac in there because he was my favorite character ;( They didn't even give an explanation on why his character left in season 4 so I'm making one up, haha.

Kalepsia xox

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