Ch. 3

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*Lily Collins plays Tori*
Charlotte's POV
The door opens and closes after a few seconds.

I hear a voice call out "Hello?" I step through the bathroom and a girl jumps.

I must admit she's pretty.

She has long waist length brown hair. She is wearing skinny jeans and a light blue crop top. On her feet, she is wearing black converse high tops.

"You must be my roommate." She says. I nod my head, did I mention I was shy?

"I'm Victoria, Victoria Abigail Richards but you can call me Tori." She says it with a big smile. She seems to have a very happy personality.

I finally speak up. "Nice to meet you. I'm Charlotte, Charlotte Tessa Michaels and you can call me Lottie." Lottie is a nickname I've always wanted.

"Pleasure to meet you." She smiles warmly. I take a look around her room.

It's just like mine but without the computers. I notice she has just pulled out a laptop just like mine.

She puts it on the desk. She steps outside the door and grabs a huge box from outside her door. It is a Mac desktop.

My room has a black and white color scheme and Tori's has a blue scheme. She walks around and opens her closet.

It's practically empty. She turns around and looks at me. "What are you majoring in?" She smiles warmly.

What is up with these smiles? "Dance." She hardly seems surprised. "I should have guessed, you're very skinny." I feel warmness rising in my cheeks.

I get really embarrassed when people point out my figure. "I'm a drama major if you're wondering." Tori tells me.

Victoria's POV
I step into my new dorm and call out.

Suddenly, a girl steps through the door that I can see is the bathroom. She is quite pretty.

Her long blonde hair reached her waist like mine. I notice that about 3 inches at the end are died a pretty light purple color. The coolest thing though, is her eyes. They are a lilac color.

I have a quick conversation with her before taking out my laptop. I quickly step out of the room to grab my Mac, I'm so happy it was still out there.

I'm super happy that I get a place to sleep to myself. I would probably have a problem sleeping in the same room as another person.

I'm going to get my puppy tomorrow! The college is letting me get one to help my disorder. I wonder if Lottie will get one too.

I take a look in the closet and see that it is empty. I see a few storage bins which is good.

My room has a blue color scheme. I think it is really pretty.

Lottie and I discuss our majors. I was going to ask another question but we hear a knock coming from Lottie's door.

Charlotte's POV
Tori opens her mouth to speak but a knock sounds at my door. I expect it to be Bella but when I open it I see a cute blond boy.

"Is Tori here?" I hear a giggle come from behind me.

"Wrong room. Nialler," Tori steps out from beside me. "I'm next door. This is my roommate Lottie by the way."

I'm happy she didn't introduce me as Charlotte, maybe I can actually have a decent nickname. Tori turns and looks at me.

"This is my boyfriend, Niall. I call him Nialler though sometimes. We've been dating 10 months already." Tori smiles proudly at me.

I look at the boy. We shake hands. "Nice to meet you Niall." I say sweetly. "You too, Lottie." We drop hands.

He smiles. He seems quite cheeky. "Niall and I are going to my dorm."

Tori then steps out of my room with Niall and takes him next door. I shut the door behind them.

I climb up onto my bed and set up the Apple TV on my TV the college provided.

Once it is set up, I pull up Netflix on my iPad(the one thing my dad got me that was actually nice) and turn on Doctor Who.

I'm a bit of a geek about this show but who cares? Time flys by and I see that it is 11:30 pm.

I turn off the TV and go change into pajamas. I go to the bathroom and do my business.

Then, I climb into my bed. I slowly drift off to sleep.

*The next day*

Charlotte's POV still.
I wake up to Tori moving around in the bathroom. I get out of bed and climb down.

I remember that today is my first class. I check the paper and my schedule and pull out the clothes and shoes I'll need from my closet.

I pull down the dance bag and put that stuff in there. I walk to the bathroom with the makeup bin.

The paper said I can have on a minimal amount of makeup, it also said my hair must up. It clearly stated that it doesn't have to be a bun but it can't be just down.

I see Tori there already started on her hair and makeup.

I put down the makeup box and put my hair in a high ponytail. I start applying foundation. I put on mascara and a little bit of eyeliner.

I considered taking down my hair to change it but decide against it. I leave it up and step out of the bathroom.

I pick up the bag. My first class is contemporary and I was told that I need a sports bra and booty shorts.

I slip a muscle tank on and some shoes. I grab the bag and my wallet.

My mom set up a college fund for me with nearly $100,000 in it. I've never used it because I planned on paying my way into college so all that money is still there.

I grab my wallet that has the credit card with all the money and head out the door.

I see Bella stepping out of her room at the same time. She turns after locking her door and smiles sweetly.

"How are you?" She asks. "Very good, I'm excited but nervous for my first class." I respond. She nods her head. "Me too"

We exchange goodbyes and she walks away. I turn around and lock my door. I notice a dry-erase board on my door.

I look down the hallway and see that people put their names on it. I quickly scribble my name with the black marker. I head down the stairs then walk into the parking lot.

I see the thing I was looking for. I had my car shipped to NYC. I have a silver Chevrolet Silverado.

I have a lanyard that has my dorm keys, car keys, and student ID. I pull out my keys.

I skip to my car and get in. The classrooms are a few blocks from where the dorms are so I drive over there. It only took about 3-5 minutes.

Once the car is parked, I walk into the building. I arrived a little early so I go to the cafe on my left to get some breakfast.

The breakfast is free if you show your student ID. That also counts for lunch and dinner.

I sit and eat my breakfast waiting for my first class to begin.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Another update. I know that Victoria and Charlotte instantly start calling each other by their nicknames and that's how I want it. I know most people don't start with nicknames right away but I thought it'd be nice.

Thanks for reading and for those wondering, Harry comes in during the next chapter. Thanks for reading. Make sure to comment and vote.

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