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*Charlotte's puppy above or on side*
Charlotte's POV
I wake up to my phone going off. Tori showed me how to set an alarm.

The alarm reads "If Katniss can survive the Hunger Games twice, you can get out of bed." I love it! I'm a big book nerd.

Soon after I get up and check my social media, Tori bursts into my room still in pajamas jumping up and down. "Let's go get up some puppies!" She yells excitedly.

"Shh, some people might still be asleep." She looks at me sternly.

"Get up, get dressed, get ready and let's go!" She rushes back into her own dorm.

I pick out some black leggings, my sweatshirt that has a puppy face on it and slip some black boots onto my feet.

I walk into the bathroom. Haha, I beat Tori.

I plug in my curler and let it heat up while I do my makeup. I put on foundation, concealer, bronzer and blush. I use the Naked 2 pallet in my eyes and add simple black eyeliner. I put on my EOS lip balm.

As I go to curl my hair, Tori comes in. She's wearing denim shorts and a blue v-neck tucked into her shorts. She has black converse on.

"Why do you always wear long sleeves and pants? It's really hot outside." I look at her, not wanting to remember.

"I'll tell you on the way to the shop." She nods and get ready.

I curl my hair and pin 2 sections back with a black bow.

I step into my dorm room and grab a black purse. I put in sunglasses, my phone, my keys and my wallet.

I step into Tori's room.

She finishes putting things into a gray purse and we head out the door. I see Bella and introduce Tori.

I hug Ryan and tickle Maryse. "Where are you two going?" Bella asks. "We are going to get our puppies." We smile.

She has a look of confusion on her face. "Puppies?" Bella asks.

"We both have disorders that allows us to get puppies to keep them under control." Bella thinks for a second.

"That makes since a little sense, have fun!" Tori and I go down stairs and hop into my truck.

"Spill it." She twists to look at me.

"Here it goes. I was abused by my father since I was 2. I self-harmed so I have scars all over my arms and legs. I have a couple on my ribs as well, I keep them covered up always except for at dance. The scars are faint so you can't see them unless you're up close." I look at Tori.

There are tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "I didn't know. I'm so sorry. Did you have any other problems because of your dad?" She gazes at me intently.

"I developed my depression obviously, but I have an eating disorder too. It's not as bad as it was but I don't eat a decent amount of food anymore. I eat everyday now but I used to go weeks without eating." She gasps.

"That couldn't have been good for you."

"It wasn't, I kept fainting at dance so that was when I started eating everyday. I don't eat enough though still." I park the car at a local shelter.

"On a happier note, let's go get our puppies." I smile at her. Tori wipes her tears and get out of my car.

Tori's POV
After hearing Lottie's story, I feel so horrible.

I can tell it pains her to talk about it but I'm glad she opened up.

I'm going to help her. I promise myself that.

She won't be alone anymore.

Charlotte's POV
We walk into the shelter and explain we want to get two puppies.

We are brought into the back and I instantly set my eyes on the most adorable black lab puppy (A/N picture above or on side).

I pick it up and say that I want it.

I leave Tori and go fill out the forms. I learn I picked a boy and I name him Brax.

I walk into the back and see Tori playing with a collie puppy. She chooses that puppy.

It's a girl and she named it Maddie after her sister. We stop by a pet store and buy all the essentials we need.

We talk in the car before Tori randomly says that she needs to go get her own car.

We decide to go to a dealership and buy her one. She gets a Honda car that is black. The interior is very modern. We both love it but I have my own.

We drive back separately. I bring Brax's carrier into the passenger seat.

We park next to each other at the dorms and go in. We have to go inform a worker that we have received the dogs and give them the paper that says we are allowed to have one.

After that, we head up to our dorms.

Tori's POV
I take Maddie into my dorm and set up a corner of the room for her.

I named her Maddie after my little sister. She died of cancer at 6. I miss her everyday.

My dog reminds me of her, she is playful and has a great personality. I quickly pull my hair into a messy bun and take off my shoes.

I walk to Lottie's side and bring Maddie with me. Lottie is making appointments at the vet office near here.

After she finishes, we sit on the floor playing with our puppies and watch some TV.

After an eventful day, we both go into the bathroom and take off our makeup and prepare for bed.

Our new puppies right at our feet. We say good night and go separate ways.

Charlotte's POV
After Tori says good night to me, I go back into my room and set up a space from Brax.

I pull out my phone and Instagram a pic of him. I tweet that I got my puppy finally. Louis, Niall, Tori, and some old friends like and comment.

I turn off my phone and put it in the charger.

I tell Brax to go to bed and surprisingly, he heads straight to the doggie bed.

I put his carrier in my closet floor and climb into bed. I'm asleep in no time.
DOUBLE UPDATE! Eek, comment and vote!

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