Ch. 5

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"WILSON!" A very angry Mr.Stank came in in his battle gear.

"Ahhhhh shit"Wade said jumping behind Peter just as Tony raised his repulsors, about to shoot."Petey Pie! SAVE MEH"

"Woah there Mr.Stark, no need to be angry, he just came to visit me" Peter said, adjusting himself so he was always between Mr.Stark and Wade, "don't yeet him out the window like you did last time." Tony was about to say something when Betty gasped, finally getting over the initial shock. Them the whole Decathlon team started whispering.

"Peter's an actual intern?!?"

"Can he introduce me?"

"There is no way that is real"(we all know who said that)

"SILENCE" Tony shouted" I will answer questions during the Q&A later" and with that he left the starstruck teenagers.

"Well, time to go to the straning rooms" Coralie said

----Harry and Louis are sick so we will call this time skip Liam----

Before they even got there, Peter could hear Nat and Clint sparring and by the sound of it, clin was loosing. By a landslide. As they entered, Clint looked relieved to have an excuse to stop fighting and start embarrassing Peter.

"Hello Peter's school!" He exclaimed as they chattered.

"Today we are going to teach you some self defence!"Nat said smirking at Peter,"and I know someone who can help me with it. Маленький паук, come here." Peter slowly dragged himself  and stood in a defensive position

This is not going to ed well, Peter thought before Nat attacked

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