Chapter 13

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It had been a day since Hook and Emma's break up, and she was already a mess.

She didn't want to go to work, and she didn't want to leave the loft. She just wanted to stay inside.

Hook wasn't doing too well either, because of the break up, and because of the ice in his heart.

He had been staying in the hospital with a few doctors watching over him while Regina tried to figure out a cure.

His hands were starting to become solid ice with patterns of snowflakes on them. He was scared, not because he was going to die, but because he wouldn't get to say goodbye.

Emma was laying down on the couch with a cup of hot cocoa in her hands when there was a knock on the door.

She waved her hand making the door fly open so she didn't have to stand up, "come in" she muttered before taking a sip from the cup.

Regina strolled in with the sorcery book in her hand, "I see you're getting better at magic" she teased.

Emma gave her a look and sat up on the couch, "why are you here?"

Regina sighed, "your little boyfriend is in the hospital, he keeps mumbling your name."

Emma looked up at Regina, her heart sunk at the thought of him, "he's not my boyfriend...anymore"

"Emma, you need to go see him, he's not doing well" she sighed.

Emma stood up and walked into the kitchen, "that's why I left him, I'm not getting my heart broken again" she said softly.

Regina followed her, "you seriously think this is good for you? Or him?"

Emma looked down, she knew this was wrong, but it somehow felt right.

"He's dying, Emma. And he wants you there" she said.

"Well, it's my choice, not yours" said Emma trying to keep her walls building up.

"Well, you're the only one who can save him, so you might want to pay a visit" she looked at Emma.

Her head shot up, "what do you mean I'm the only one who can save him?"

Regina rolled her eyes and slammed the book open on the kitchen counter, "read" she demanded.

"This is like Greek" she said looking at the complicated letters.

"How are you even The Savior" Regina said and turning the book towards her and started darting her eyes back and forth on the page.

"For I have found someone with strong magic, beautiful magic. But dangerous too. This type of sorcery is cold, and fearful, only certain people ha-" Emma cut Regina off.

"How the hell can Killian be saved?" She said impatiently.

Regina sighed and flipped the page over, "if this sort of magic is to strike your heart, to leave it cold and frozen, then only the most powerful magic can save this soul,"

"True Love" Emma sighed finishing Regina's sentence.

"Yes. True Love" she closed the book.

Emma gripped the edge of the kitchen counter, did Hook and her have True Love?, she thought.

"Well, Savior" Regina said catching Emma's attention, "you better pucker up and go kiss your pirate."

Do you think True Love's Kiss will work?

I guess you'll just have to find out...

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