Its the owner not the horse

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Okay so this is about abused horses. Sad I know. Brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

People say if a horse has a red ribbon tied to its tail it's the horses fault, but it's the owners fault. The owner is responsible to what happens to the horse. When riding sometimes you can use a crop and spurs. These usually upset the horse if you over use them. To be a rider you need to be gentile while still in control. Riders sometimes forget this. The horse needs to have some guidance and not a forceful owner that takes risks putting them and the horse in danger. This really upsets me. I hate seeing someone getting mad at a horse if they did something wrong when riding. All you need to do is keep on trying. The horse is willing and you need to work as a team. With no team the rider and the horse will not make it. If you still think that it's the horses fault then your crazy. It's the riders responsibility to help the horse, taking the ownership of what happens. I love horses a lot. I hate it when horses get stuck with bad owners.


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