Holding To The Ground

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Trina and Whizzer where never close. Yes, they talked when they happened to be at the same place, but they never went out of their way to see each other.

After all, Whizzer was the reason for the divorce.
Or maybe he was the breaking point.

Trina was never truly happy in their first marriage. And neither was Marvin, obviously.

But as Trina sat alone with Whizzer in that dreary hospital room, a certain phrase began repeating in her head.

"He shared my life"

She looked at the sick, sleeping man in the bed next to her. He did share her life, in a way. They both had to experience how cruel Marvin could be, but also how sweet he could become.
How strange Jason was, but also how childish and lovable.

And for the first time since Whizzer was put in the hospital, Trina cried for him.

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