Chapter - 16

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It's been 3 months?

So long due, loves. 

Hope you like this chapter. 


Sprinting through the jungle, Louis found himself cataloguing the fire around them, trying to measure how much time they had before the fire would reach the pack-house.

Liam and Zayn had left on their ways, taking their routes around the pack-house as Louis ran alone.

He could see the silhouette of the pack-house in the distance, eyes sharpening and ears perking as he heard the shouts, cries and howls coming from there.
His heart was leaping in his chest, Harry was there, in heat.

His mum was there, alone.

All his pack members were helplessly caught.

A swear under his breath and Louis took a sprint, shifting through his clothes. The pain burnt through his joints, making him hiss and let out a howl as his bones moulded to form the wolf and when he emerged as the wolf, Louis leapt forward.


The first thing Zayn saw was the small boats lining up on the Ciara. More than ten ferries were lining up there. He stood, sniffing the air to see it was not their wolves that were milling the area.

The Grimshaw-pack's wolves were on their ground. There were some new scents too, Zayn couldn't recognize them, no matter how hard he tried, that smell didn't sit on a particular pack.

Zayn shivered, there were unknown wolves mixed with Nick's pack.

God! Who were they?

He closed his eyes, trying to calm his breathing down to the minimum, to not startle them with his presence. With a swish of his tail, Zayn turned away. He couldn't stop them all on his own. He had to go back to Louis.

Their pack wasn't ready for this fight.

Nick's pack had mixed with other wolves. Tomlinson pack's wolves weren't ready for that.


Nick Grimshaw was nowhere to be found as Liam sniffed the air around the border, his eyes scanning the wolves that were marring their territory. They were not from the Grimshaw pack.

The realization hit Liam like ice on his face.

There were more than one pack preparing an attack on them.

There were more than one pack coming their way.

Liam skimmed the situation, trying to understand how long it would take for their pack to have help from the neighbouring packs. It would be a long time, the Grimshaw pack was already in their territory. They had alleys too.

Tomlinson pack wasn't ready.

Liam turned around, forcing himself to run as fast as he could to reach Louis.

If Louis declared war, they'll lose.

Liam couldn't let that happen.


Everything heard, everything considered, Louis turned to face the Pack-house in the distance.

With Liam and Zayn flanking him from both sides, Louis ran forward, breaking through the line of trees and landing in front of the pack-house.

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