Chapter 1

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                                                                                      Ayato P.O.V

The sound of the alarm clocked bounced around my bedroom walls forcing me to open up my eyes to the blinding light of the Sun

I groaned as I got out of my bed and turned my alarm clock off. I took my uniform out of my closet and put it on. The uniform was tight around my chest as I thought to myself that I should ask for a bigger size I went downstairs to make breakfast I tried calling my parents, but nothing it was pretty weird, I went inside the kitchen and saw a sticky note on the fridge.

  Sorry sweetie me and your dad had to leave the town for a few months probably 2                              because of the job don't worry.

I'll send you money every week so you have enough.

Love mom<3

I sighed and made some toast for myself as I was eating in peace my eye caught onto the time and it was 7:53 shit I am going to be late!!! I yelled inside my head as I took the toast,  took my bag, and went outside running hoping I will get there in time as I ran and ran.

That's when I bumped into someone "Ouch! Hey, watch where you're going!"A guy yelled at me he had short orange hair and he wore a pink shirt with a black jacket. 'Strange choice of outfit' I thought while he kept glaring at me. "S-sorry," I apologize while cleaning my shoes from dirt "Hmph!" He huffed and turned to his friend "Let's go Ta--" His friend turned to me with a worried look "Here let me help you up" He said giving me his hand which I gladly took and got up thanking him.

"Hey come and walk with us!" He said cheerfully with a smile. I nodded my head in agreement "S-sure" I said "Uhg! Hello come on we're going to be late for god's sake" He yelled while his friend chuckled at him "Name's Ayato" I said "Taro!" Taro said happily the orange-haired guy looked away crossing his arms "His name is Osano" Taro said happily introducing his friend.

"Oh... Ok," I said when I took a peek at Osano's face 'his face kinda red? Hmm... Maybe embarrassment?' I thought as I looked back at Taro "Shall we go to the school then?" I asked "Uhh... Yeah, sure!" He answered as we started walking "Hey guys what is your first class?" Taro asked us I turned around and started walking backwards when I tried to answer him"Uhh...I have Eng--"

"LOOK OUT!"Osano yelled when I bumped into someone.

The person landed on me I opened my eyes to see the student's council I didn't know his name but I think it started with an M" U-uhg!"I couldn't find the right words to say anything. He got off me and fixed his uniform I sat up Osano ran up to me and kneeled "Watch where you're going!!!!" Osano yelled at him.

"What are you talking about he was walking backward when he shouldn't!" He yelled back at him, and Osano yelled back at him I didn't hear what he said because I heard people whispering about us

Jeez, who does he think he is?

Is that Ayato Aishi?


I heard his sister is in jail!

That last one.

I snapped and I couldn't hold it anymore

"COULD YOU ALL PLEASE LEAVE!!!!" I yelled everyone's faces were pale maybe since I am the quiet kid or whatever Osano was kind of pale too I got up and brushed the dust off me "H-hey you... Alright?" Osano said placing his hand on my shoulder I nodded and looked at the silver-haired guy just standing there I walked past him and went to find my locker

I put my shoes on and went to find my classroom but yet again I bumped into someone I looked who it was but not before piles of books fell on my head "I am... So sorry!" He said I looked up the guy had long dark blue hair with a one-eyed cover "It's fine!" I said and helped him with his book "Ayato Aishi" I said "O-Oko... R-Ruto!"

He said almost in a whisper I gave him his books they were mostly about 'Demons' and 'Rituals' he took them all quickly and hid his face not wanting me to see him "Hey did I do something wrong?" I asked still having my poker face "N-no... Of course not" He said almost whispering "Alright" I walked passed him and into my classroom.


The bell ranged as I put the book on my table and started taking notes of what the teacher was speaking but it was a different teacher "Hello class, Today I'll have to replace your teacher for a few weeks, my name is Mido Rana!" He said smiling and winking making all the girls yell where is peace when you need it!

I questioned inside my head the teacher was glancing at me and winking at me I had my poker face which made him more disappointed
" What's your name? "He looked at me I pointed my finger at him he nodded" My name is Ayato Aishi sir," I said "Well, Ayato could you please stay after class I need your help with something" I nodded my head ignoring all the glares I was getting from the girls

!Time skip!

I waited till everyone left so I could help the teacher with something... Jeez... After everyone left I was left alone with Mido sensei "So ayato~Is that right?~" He asked I nodded my head I still had my poker face "You know you were talking in class~," He said what the hell?! I wasn't that was the other idiot beside me!!! "No sir I___" Before I could finish he pushed me to the ground.

"Don't be sorry it will be fun~," He said he leaned in and come closer then...

"You know can go to jail if you do anything to me I could report you to the police and if you're wandering where I could get the proof there are cameras here your lucky that nobody watching cuz you'd get in lots of trouble, "I said my face still kept blank he nodded and got off me "Your dismissed," He said

I walked out of the classroom I was hungry and I went to the cooking club where I saw...


(A/N that's it for today folks this shi* took me 2 days to finish so I hope you guys like it)


°Ayato Aishi x Male Rivals?! °*Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now