Chapter 4

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Ayato woke up from the sound of the footsteps downstais he took his knife from under the pillow he slowly crept to the door holding his knife in his hand he oppend the door only to be face-to-face with his older sister;Ayano Aishi he ran and hugged her thightly "I'm so happy your here"Even though he couden't feel anything he knew he would be happy "Me too" She said "So school starts in 40 minues chop chop"she said pushing him to his room "Ok"Was all he said he took his uniform and went downstairs he saw his sister and another girl.

She reminded him of Osano "Come on baka hurry up where's that stupid brother of yours!?"Yep that was his twin sister "His coming soon"Ayano saw him "Breakfist is ready Ayato!"She handed him a plate with toast and bacon "Thanks"Was all he said he placed the bacon between the toast making a sandwitch. He quickly went outside seeing Taro and Osano "AYATO YOU BAKA DO YOU KNOW HOW LOONG WE BEEN WAITING!??!"Osano lashed at him, but Ayato didn't feel the need to apologize so he just ignored him.

When they got to the school Ayato, Taro and Osano went sepreat ways. Ayato was reading his book when he heard someone speak "Romeo and Juliet?That is a nice book wouden't you agree" A guy with pruple hair spoke to him he gave a simple nod before walking past him "So are you interasted in the drama club?" The guy said and started to walk by his side "I never thought of that" Ayato said taking his eyes of the book "Well darling you would be perfect for the part of well...Juliet~" He said Ayato closed his book with a slight clap glaring at him "I'm a boy" he said the purple haired guy nodded his head with a smile "So what do you think oh~ my lovely Juliet!" He pulled out a rose and loooked at Ayato with love in his eyes "My name's Kizano, don't forget it" He placed the rose in his hair and walked away leaving Ayato speachless "W-What just happened?" He spoke to himselfe

He shook his head and the feeling that was rising in his chest "A-Ayato-kun" He heard a quite voice almost like a whisper "Oko?" Suddenly without any warning Oko lashed himselfe into Ayato's arms "Oko are you alright?" Ayato asked he could feel something on his chest like water, he realised Oko was crying he pushed Oko a bit he took out a hankerchife and wiped Oko's tears "Th-Tha-Thank you f-f-fo-for saving me" Oko said Ayato pulld the tissue away and hugged Oko once more and saying no problem 

                                                                               A couple of hours later

Ayato was sitting with Taro at the pond there was no one else there but, he swore to himselfe he could feel someone watching him and Taro talking "Hey Ayato I have to go to the restroom" Taro said "Nature calling" Taro laughed at the joke and nodded. Taro left and Ayato was.... alone. Out of nowhere one of the bully's who bulllied Oko yesterday jumped out without any warning before Ayato could stop him some one else did grabbing the guy by his head and lifting him up "O-Osoro" The guy spoke it was the guy who helped Ayato fight the bullies.

"What are you doing?" He said in a angry voice "W-we...we...uhhg" The bully couden't make out any words "What's wrong lost the ability to speak" He said "Let him go" Ayato said the guy with golden hair looked at him in shocked "Please" Ayato said he sill had his poker face Osoro obeyed and before he could make out any words Ayato punched the guy in the stomach and broke his arm. He could see the so called Osoro smirk the bully ran away "That was suprising" Osoro said "Osoro was it?" Ayato looked at him "That's right" He said trying to hide his blush in the color of his jacket "Ayato" Ayato said

the rest of the day went simple Ayato's school finished went home, ate dinner, played some video games, studying  and went to sleep.

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