Only one part

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Rainbow pov

It was another day at the wonderbolts headquarters, tomorrow will be Valentine's Day and I know who to pick.

I was so excited, my friends already are in a relationships.

Right now I'm heading to the lockers, right Than I bumped into soarin, "sorry!" I exclaimed, giving him a smiling, he returned a smile, "sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." He chuckled a bit.

"We'll see ya!" He called as he left, my heart was pounding really fast. I gave a dreamy sigh, Than went home.

I wanted to surprise him.. I grabbed a paper than folded into a hamburger way. The front of the page, I drew a heart and in the middle I wrote 'soarin' Than turned to the middle page. I thought of what to write.

I wrote,

Dear soarin,

Happy Valentine's Day! I want to make this your best day, plus mine to ❤️ I had a crush on you sense I don't even know! Anyway.. meet me at ponyville and find a hill with a blossom tree, I have a surprise for you. ❤️

-Rainbow dash

Finished! I wrote my name instead of secret admirer because he might think it's a fan, I mean we have a lot of fans! Anyway, I decided to decorate the card by adding glitter and some heard shape drawings. I know this is sappy but tomorrow's valentines.

Once I was done, I placed the card on my table and flew to sugercube  Corner. Than I met pinkie, "hi dashie! What brings you here?" She asked, "hi pink, I want 4 cupcakes and hm, one pie." I asked, "okie dokie! Why pie? I thought you hate pie..?"

Right.. "Uh, it's for a friend." I exclaimed, I didn't want her to know I'm doing this for a 'crush.'

"Ok than!" She gave me 4 cupcakes and 1 pie. I handed her the bits.
I was about to walk out until I forgot to get somthin, Wait nvm.

I placed the cupcakes and pie in the fridge, Than went to Rarity boutique. As I opened the door, I saw her. She was making a dress.

"Hey rares. Do you have a.. yellow, blue scarf?" I asked, she looked at me. "Oh yes I do!" She went to her closet and pulled out a blue, yellow scarf. "Thanks, by the way if your wondering why I'm buying this.. it's for a friend." I exclaimed. "It's for a friend? Oh take it, no cost!" I was shocked, "really?" "Yes!"

I walked to daisy, lily, and rose shop.
"Hi." I said, "hello what kind of flowers do you want?" Rose asked. "We have many different kind of flowers!" Lily said as show showed me some flowers.

"Hm, do you have peony?" I asked.
"Yes! How many do you want?" Daisy said as she showed me the peony's.

I thought for a minute. "Hm, 100." I asked, though it might be to much but I don't know how much I should get. "Oh and 1 zinnia." I added.

Once they gave me the flowers, I payed them.
I was flying home with the flowers until till I saw fluttershy, "Hi flutters." I greeted, "oh hello rainbow dash."

Than she noticed the flowers, "Whats the flowers for?" She asked, "for, me." I lied, I didn't want her to know. "Oh.."

"We'll see ya!"

Than I flew home.

It was Valentine's Day.

The day!

I got everything set up.
I bought a picnic table, and placed it by the blossom three. I even placed all of the peony's around the picnic table and placed the one zinnia on the table. I placed the picnic basket on the table. I even drew a heart on the tree and in the middle says 'Rd x SS. Now I only have one more thing to do. Send the letter.

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