{XVIII} Tony

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"Tony!" I heard Clint shout through the intercom. "They're awake."

I ran up to the lab to see Percy and Annabeth struggling to sit up and Wanda passed out on the floor. Clint was tending to her though.

"Percy?" I asked the sleepy teenager.

"Yeah?" It groaned back.

As soon as I heard his voice, I gave him the biggest hug I could.

"Can't... breathe... Crushing... lungs..." Percy gasped.

"Sorry," I replied while letting go. "Are you ok?"

"Tired, but ok." He responded.

"Tired? You've been asleep for 3 days." I exclaimed.

"Yeah, but sleeping is difficult. If you don't sleep for long enough, you're tired. However, if you sleep for too long, you're tired. You can't win this literally exhausting battle." Annabeth explained. I gave her a big hug as well.

"Seriously Chase? You've been asleep for 3 days and the first thing you say when you wake up is a clever comment?" Came a voice from behind me.

"Hey Romanoff," Annabeth greeted her. Nat went over and gave her a big hug. "Right, I want to change out of these clothes. Will you help me up?" Nat nodded her head and helped Annabeth stand up and walk out the room.

"Who knew they were so close?" I mused aloud. Percy laughed as well. It was good to hear his laugh. "Come on, let's get you upstairs so you too can get changed." I helped Percy up and Clint picked Wanda up and placed her on the bed. She started to stir as Bruce went to check her head.

"Ugh, this bed is wet," She moaned groggily. It sounded like she was going to be ok, so I gave them some space. I helped Percy up to his room and he said he wanted a bath, so I left him to it. I've got to give him some private moments.


Hi guys,

I know, I know, I know. I'm late. Though technically not as I didn't promise a publish date. But still, don't shoot.

Also, sorry for the short chapter. Kinda needed a filler chapter to wake them up. And I've had major writer's block recently. Don't tell me you don't get that cause I know you're lying.

Anyways, thanks for being patient. And please vote, comment, share and follow. I follow everyone back.

Later gators :) x

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