{XXIV} Natasha

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"Get Romanoff," I heard Fury say to one of the tech guys.

"I'm here Sir," I said.

Fury turned to face me. "I need you to tell me what they're saying. Playback the conversation." He said to the techie and the video started.

'Don't talk in English. Talk both Latin and Ancient Greek.' I paused the video. "She said not to talk English. And before you ask, she said it in Latin, but I don't know what she said next. It's in a language I don't know. I'll try and translate the rest for you."

'What do you want with us?'

'I want to know who you are?'

'Well. My name is Percy Jackson. My mother is Sally Blofis and my step-father is Paul Blosfis. I live in Manhatten with my Uncle who is...'

'I know all of that.'

'Then what do you want to know?'

'The first time I met you, you got angry and stormed out of the room. The glass of water on the table exploded as you left. I want to know how.'

'Do you want to take this one or shall I?'

'I will. I was playing a prank on him. I took one of Tony's tiny explosives and put it in his water to mess with him, but he left the room before it exploded.' I paused the video again. "Percy asked something and she replied with 'I will'." And then I hit play.

'If that was the case, the glass would have exploded too.'

'Well, you never said just the water exploded, you said the glass of water. We're weren't there, we just have an explanation. You need to be more specific.'

'Percy, stop antagonising the guy. Just answer his questions.'

'I'm sorry, but he makes it so easy.' I paused the video once more. "She said 'Percy, stop antagonising the guy' and then something else. He replied in the other language followed by 'but he makes it so easy." I hit play again.

'What language are you speaking?'


'No, just now.'


'No. BEFORE you started speaking English.'

'Well, I would tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.'

'I would tell you but then I'd have to kill you?! You couldn't have come up with a better choice of words?! He already views us as a threat, don't make it worse Percy.' I paused it for the final time. "Annabeth repeated what Percy said in a question form, then... she said 'don't make it worse Percy.'" I stood up and looked at Fury half satisfied with my translation skills, half annoyed  I didn't know the other language. I'm was going to make it my mission to find out what the other language was and study it until I'm fluent. "Is that all Sir?"

"No," He replied. "I'm going to back an interrogate them some more. I need you to translate what you can and tell me what they said."

"Understood." Fury walked back into the room with Annabeth and Percy. "You," I pointed to one of the techies. "Try and decipher the other language." She nodded and got to work. I turned my attention to the screen where I watched Fury interrogate Percy and Annabeth.

"Enough games," Fury said to the pair. "I know there is something not quite right about you two and I'm going to find out one way or another. So..."

"Let me guess," Annabeth interrupted. "You're going to say 'We can do this the easy way or the hard way.'" I sniggered. 

"Actually, I was going to say that either you tell me what I want to know or we'll be forced to take tests." Fury replied calmly.

"Not tests. I hate tests. Unless it's maths, but I am hugely dyslexic." Percy moaned.

"Not us Percy. Them. Or more specifically, their scientists. They'll be taking DNA tests." Annabeth informed him. Percy stared at her blankly. "Basically, they'll figure out that half of our DNA is missing. They'll find out that we're half-god.

I stared at the screen. I don't know what the second half of that sentence was, but I understood enough to know they were only half-human. Fury's cough snapped me out of my daze. He stared into the camera and motioned for me to translate. "Ummm, she said that we will find out that they are not who they say they are. The next sentence was in the other language." I could get fired if Fury found out I lied. But technically I didn't lie as they just said the same thing with slightly different words. I couldn't tell him what they actually said though. If Thor's story was true, then these where the demigod myths. It all made sense now. Half their DNA was missing because gods don't have DNA.

"Nat?" I heard through the com in my right ear. "If you can hear me, please send the coordinates to the helicarrier. We have reason to believe that Fury has kidnapped Percy." Clint was right. I was looking at Percy and Annabeth tied to chairs while Fury rigorously interrogated them. While listening to the interrogation, I subtly sent the coordinates for the helicarrier to Clint. Hopefully, they would get here quickly.



Just wanted to say that I'm not entirely sure how the godly DNA works. I can't remember if it was the PJO/HOO series or the Pegasus (Kate O'Hearn) series that said that god's don't have DNA, but it makes sense in this aspect of things so I'm sticking with it. Btw, if you haven't already, I really recommend reading the Pegasus series. It's an incredibly great read.

Shout out to @megs_robs. She's a friend of mine and writes amazing poetry so please check out her page. It would mean a lot to both of us. If you want a shout out, don't be afraid to PM me. I'd love to do a "And this chapter's shout out goes to..." Kind of thing.

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Later gators :) x

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