Chaper 13

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Jungkook's POV
I pulled away oh my god why the hell did I kiss him. "I-I'm so sorry " I say and he didn't say anything he must hate me he hates me now "um it's okay " taehyung says as the other comes in "hey jungkook how are you feeling?" Jimin asks me "I'm....okay " I say back I'm feeling bad but they don't need to know that " the doctor said you can be released tomorrow" Jin says and then we all talk for a couple of hours and then the nurse comes in telling us that visiting hours are over so they all say goodbye and hug me and leave the room. Taehyung was the last one" um goodbye jungkookie and I uh I really like the kiss" he said smiling and my face turns red " um m-me too and bye" I said and he walks out of the room waving at me. I lay down on the bed, I sighed thinking about what happened. They must hate me I mean I would hate me too , I close my eyes trying to sleep.

Flashback/dream jungkook POV (warning/rape 🚫) (age 10/11).
I'm laying on the concrete floor that I found some old t-shirts and lay on the floor.I sighed wishing that maybe someday someone will save me. The door opens and the man who took me Walks in and comes over to me and told me to get up. I get up and a little dizzy and he grabs my hand and pulls me to a another room lays me on the bed and ties me hands up and gags me and undress himself since I'm already naked. He walks over the bed and pushes up my butt and lines up and pushes in me it hurt like hell but I'm used it but I wish I wasn't, he thrust through me for a hour when he was done he left me there. I had cum coming out of me about 2 hours later he comes back and picks me up and throws me back in the room. I don't know how long I been here but I want to go home so bad. I started to think of mom and dad and started to cry and then I heard a door slam and yelling and I got scared and then the door of the room I am in slammed open and a girl and a man with flashlights they look over to me and walks over to me and I started to back up and then the girl said " we are not going to hurt you okay? We are going to bring you home to mommy and daddy " she says and my eyes widen and I started to sob and whispering please and then I pass out from being tried and staved. I opened my eyes to see something white and smelled doctor medication I started to look around and realized that I'm hooked up on a whole bunch of wires and try and that door opens and i see my mom and dad and a doctor " oh my god my baby" my mom said and runs over to hug me and she starts to cry and then dad walks over and kisses my forehead and says"we missed you bubba " he smiled but it was sad. "I-I mi-missed y-you t-too " i stuttered a tiny smile appears on my face.

Flashback/dream over still jungkook's POV
I wake up crying I fucking miss them b-but I sighed and looked at the time 3:27am. I layedback down and went back to sleep.

Time skip to the morning
I woke up around 6am Tired as fuck because I only got 3 hours of sleep. I sat up and sighed and then a nurse came in and was checking on me and then another nurse came and said " you have visitors" I thought she was talking about the jimin and them but boy was I wrong. The door opened and I looked up to see my mom and dad. My eyes widen "m-mom?" I Stuttered I thought she was dead "hi sweetie" my mom says smiling " I thought you were dead?" I say to her she can't be alive she died " what do you mean honey? " she says confused " dad said you died in a car crash!" I said to her and she looks at dad " what!? First of all what car crash and second I died!" She says to dad " um I told him that we got in a car crash and that you died " he says and mom looks at me and sighs and sits down in a chair " honey me and you're dad got a divorce because he cheated on me and I told him to tell you but i guess I should you told you" she explains and my eyes widen even more and tears welling in my eyes and rolled my face. My dad eyes widen "h-honey are you okay?" Mom asks like should I be ok after being told that my mom is alive and that my parents got a divorce "jungk-" dad says but I cut him off "no why the fuck would I be okay you just fucking told me that you got a divorce you fucking tell me that you're fucking alive after me fucking being depressed and cutting myself because you and dad fucking left me!!"I yelled at them and the door slammed and I see them (bts)
They look at my dad and mom and jimin's eyes widen and then the doctor "what is happening in here" the doctor says and looks at my parents " nothing" my dad says and the doctor says that I can leave and he leaves " go back to apartment and pack your stuff" my mom says" why the fuck should I listen to you and no because I'm staying with jimin and I'm not leaving him like you left me " i said to her " no you are coming with me you are cutting and I'm going to get you help" she says " I'm already getting help from my friends and I'm not cutting anymore and I started cutting because of you so I'm not leaving you so you can go " I say getting out of the bed and grabbing my clothes and going to the bathroom to get changed and when I came out I saw Jin signing a paper I went to tae and asked what Jin was signing and he said "papers that the doctor wanting him to sign" I was confused so I asked what do they say and he said "they say that you get to stay with jimin because the doctor doesn't trust your mom and dad " I reply with a oh and jimin says come on to me and I grabbed his hand and smiled.

Time skip to when they get home(jungkook has depression pills and a bandage on his head)
We all decided to watch a movie the nutcracker we were halfway through the movie and my eyes started to feel heavy and I closed my eyes and then after a hour I started to hear aws and I opened my eyes to see everyone above me " you hoes woke him up"Jin says slapping everyone head and I started to laugh and they all fall next to me and started a another movie and they all leaned on me kinda hugging me I smiled what did I do to deserve them.

I hope you like this chapter

So jungkook mom isn't dead

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Love ~kpopbebes~

Word count: 1288

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