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"MILLIE GET UP! GET UP!", a high pitched voice yells into Millie's ear, awakening her from her deep sleep. It is Millie's little sister Avas daily routine to run into her room, pouncing on her bed with the goal of waking her. Ava loves it, and Millies uses it to her advantage as her personal Alarm clock; nevertheless, Millie usually despises it in the mornings.

Millie groans, as she buries her face deeper into her pillow.
"Come on, Millie!" Ava whines, wrapping her small hands around Millie's arm, tugging at it. "Mom said you need to get to school early today!"

And thats when Millie remembered; what today had in store. She was going to Camp with her class, a seven-day trip to hell.
Sure, she's excited to catch a break from her sister's daily shrieks in the morning and spend some quality time with her best friends, away from the craziness of her everyday life. Nevertheless, she doesnt want to leave the comfort of her warm bed. And she certainly doesn't want to give it up for the creaky bed she'll be staying in for the next week Surrounded by nagging bugs and the stingy smell of old lake water.


A few minutes later, with the help of Ava's never-ending ruckus, Millie decides to finally get up, knowing that she needs to get there on time unless she wants to hike to camp.

Millie isn't quite sure how to feel about this upcoming trip of hers. She isn't the most open and outgoing person, wanting to stay within her small circle of friends rather than venture out and engage with new people. Some label her as the "quiet girl in the corner"; someone whos present, however not drawing much attention to themselves.

Though around her friends, Millie is an entirely different person than who strangers perceive her as. She's boisterous and crazy, not caring about how absurd she acts, knowing that she won't be judged. However, around people she doesnt' know, she feels a certain pressure, to act a particular way and maintain a certain standard.

Her family is pretty high class and well known in their neighbourhood thanks to their hugely successful parents. Her older sister Paige is the perfect daughter, who graduated from yale just a few years ago. And her older brother Charlie is the smartest in his class and is now studying mechanical engineering at Harvard. Millie feels, unaccomplished, compared to her flourishing siblings. She feels the pressure, enclosing on her as the years go on, suffocating and robbing her, of what ought to be her carefree teenage years.

They have their lives all figured out, while she has no idea what she wants to do after school. She secretly enjoys singing to herself at times; however, she wouldn't dare to propose that as her "life plan", knowing that her parents would never approve. Its something she keeps to herself, hidden from everyone, even her minuscule group of friends.

Millie walks into the kitchen, lugging her heavy suitcase and backpack behind her.

"Morning sweetie", her Mom chirps happily as she pours herself a cup of coffee.

Millie gives her a quick smile before returning a tight squeeze and grabbing her breakfast.

"Have fun, okay. Just dont do anything you know you'll regret," Millie nods, knowing exactly what her mother means by not doing anything stupid. Dont get drunk and sleep with some random guy because god forbid she taints the perfect family reputation by doing something a little reckless.

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