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"𝕃𝕦𝕔𝕜𝕪 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕞𝕖"


After a few minutes of casual back and forth between the two, they finally reach cabin 353.

"Ah, here we are," Millie says breathlessly. She examines the wood exterior of their cabin. It has small rectangular windows on either side of the walnut-coloured door. The smell of fresh pine saturates the air, mixed with the homey formation of the cabin, charms Millie.

"Sweet" Finn replies, handing Millie her bag back.

She gives him a grateful glance, wanting to say something, however being cut off by his sarcastic voice.

"Lucky you have me" he winks as he waits for her response.

Millie opens her mouth, about to snap back at his flirtatious remark; however, she decides against it and instead settles with a subtle eye roll as she heads for the door.

Finn is shocked by her calmness, knowing that it would have set her off a few minutes ago.

As Millie begins to punch the code in the keypad, she notices a sudden presence hovering over her. Finn is practically leaning over her, trying to determine their cabin code for since he had lost his paper. Finn's breath lightly brushes against Millie's bare arm, causing goosebumps to rise on her neck.

She turns to him, staring right at his freckled face. "Okay if we are going to be living under the same roof, you need to know that I dont like when people hover over me."

He smirks, causing his dark curls to bob against his face. " yes, ma'am."

She ignores him once again, while the door blinks green in acceptance of the code.

The door creaks as Millie pushes it open. Millie's mouth drops as she examines her surroundings; Infront of her, stand two large grey sofas, with a phenomenal view out onto the lake, which is now reflecting a dark orange due to late time of day. To the right of the window, which is actually a large door, leading onto a dock, stands a large cobblestone fireplace, with a large tv hovering over it.

"Damn, I never expected this place to be so nice," Finn says exasperatedly. Millie was in complete agreement with Finn. She knows that they are both very privileged to be going to their costly private school; however, this really exceeded all her expectations.

Not only is it modern and clean, but it's also comforting, and as she walked in, she felt a rustic embrace, welcoming her into her temporary home.

They continue to explore, locating their connected bedrooms, with large double beds in the centre of their rooms.

"Thank god I have a door to close between us", Millie ponders sighing in relief, however not knowing exactly why this was such a relief to her since they are getting along better than they did earlier today.

As Millie continues scanning her spacious bedroom, she spots a slip of paper laying of her bed. Finn walks in, noticing her glance as she picks it up and begins to read.

𝙒𝙚𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝘾𝙖𝙢𝙥 𝙈𝙞𝙧𝙠𝙬𝙤𝙤𝙙!

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