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"𝕎𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕚𝕤 𝕙𝕖?"


Millie and her friends start to head towards the party, seeing the wooden Cabin illuminate in bright red lighting. Millie can't help but wonder why Finn didn't want to go to the party

Nevertheless, she is here to have fun with her friends; and for once in her life, to let go.

"Just dont do anything you know you'll regret", her mother's distinct words ringing through her head. Which only tempt her even further to rebel and do something no one would expect perfect Ms.Brown to do.

And with that, Millie and her friends enter the crowded house, filled with bustling teenagers, all equipped with red solo cups. The air is saturated with the smell of alcohol and sweat, causing Millie to scrunch her nose in disgust.

Sadie grabs her arm, indicating for her to follow her. They all create a human chain, guiding their group through the maze of rowdy adolescents.

Millie isnt the biggest fan of being crowded in confined spaces, nevertheless, she forgot about her own comfort the second she walked into this house. Knowing that all of this was going to be out of her comfort zone.


They finally find a free space in an adjacent room and decide to break apart.

"Im gonna go get us a drink okay," Jacob tells her before walking back into the heard of people.

Millie feels her anxiety arising, feeling as if her protection is gone and now shes exposed and liable.

"Hey, you're alright," Sadie says, noticing Millie's worrisome state. Sadie hugs Millie comfortingly to which Millie nods in response.

"Come on, let's go dance!" Sadie says, looking over at the jumping teens in the centre of the room.

Millie's eyes widen in concern.

"Oh, come on, live a little!" Sadie says, grabbing onto Millie's arm. "It'll be fun, I promise."

Millie sighs deeply before looking back up at eager best friend with an unexpected and new boost of confidence. She is right, Millie knows she needs to loosen up, and this is her chance.

Fuck it.

And with that, Sadie squeals, dragging Millie with her leaving Caleb and Noah behind. Millie and Sadie find a small free spot in the crowd, and as if perfectly timed, their favourite Ariana grande song starts playing. Millie smiles widely as her and Sadie jam out to their favourite song, their hands waving about in the air.

It feels so liberating to Millie, to just let go and go a little crazy. Though her feet may be killing her from her long day of hiking, the adrenaline pulsing through her veins keeps her alert.


After a few more minutes of dancing, Noah and Caleb find the girls within the sea of people. Gaten follows, squeezing himself through the herd of people.

Noah and Caleb are both carrying two solo cups, which Millie can only assume that the other two are for her and Sadie.

Noah offers Millie the drink which she accepts. She brings it up to her face, observing and sniffing the red liquid.

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