Chapter 11

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3 days, 3 whole freakin days and I have hardly talked to Khleo. He is Sand Diego still and I miss him more than I should be. I am setting up my laptop ready for his video chat with his fans on ustream. He told me the night before he would be on at noon so here I am logging in and waiting, and waiting, and waiting...and waiting...and still waiting. Until finally he is on and I can see the comments flowing from the man women watching.

Khleo looks extremely tired, he has dark circles and bags under his eyes and all I want to do is take him into my bed and rub his back until he sleeps, like my mom used to do to me.

"Hey everyone, how is everyone's day? Mine is going good so far, I am here with Bow Wow and Chris Batson and James today ladies and gentleman. We also have a reporter here going to be asking all some questions" He looks to be in a studio setting with the all so famous Bow Wow and another man I am assuming is Chris Batson, and then there is James. Then the female reporter. My door open and Becca walks in and hurries to sit next to me.

I had asked Khleo if he could do the live chat during my lunch hour and he said of course, because otherwise I would have had time to watch him here at work. All the guys talk about the tour, and how it's going and that the fans are showing their support.

"So Bow Wow how does it feel to be engaged finally?" the reporter asks.

"It feels amazing. She is an amazing person at work and I couldn't be happier. My daughter especially enjoys being around her and that is all I could ask for." He smiles and the reporter turns to Khleo.

"And Khleo what about you your back into the dating world with your new flame?" I see him smile, like genuinely smile, this made me happy.

"Yes her and I are dating, getting to know one another" he says leaning forward putting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together.

"The how are you working out all the negative feedback you have been getting back from some fans?" negative feedback? Khleo looks mad, like really mad.

"Negative feedback?" he asks his voice has no more sweetness in it.

"Yes some of your fans are saying that you should be with a black woman, or more to the point with a celebrity like yourself." All the men look mad, how can this woman be asking him such questions. How can his fans be mad at me? I didn't do anything wrong.

"Then those aren't fans, my true fans are the ones who are supporting me. My true fans know that I love all kinds of women, I have said it countless time and times before. Now for dating a celebrity yeah it be easier because they know the life that we live," he says motioning around to James and the other men. "She hasn't grown up in this life like I have, she doesn't know how hard it could be at times. I wouldn't want her to experience that if she isn't ready for it."

"Then why have you sheltered her from it?" ok this lady is pissing me off.

"I haven't sheltered her from anything, I have taken her out in LA. People have already taken pictures of us. We have only know her a short amount of time I wouldn't expose her to any of this." Ok I think I need to text Khleo.

"Damn ima hurt this bitch if she don't stop" Becca said and I nodded in agreement.

Khleo its ok, stop. -Jesse

Khleo looked down and read it and I saw him typing away.

I'm sorry you had to see that, but this lady is pissing me off. -Khleo

I know just relax, ok? Our private life will be private ok? -Jesse

He looked down at his phone once again, he clenched his jaw hard and then typed.

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