Chapter 14

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Thanksgiving has finally come, and I couldn't be more nervous. I spent the past week hanging out with Erica and Becca shopping and having a girl's week. Because our men have been cooped up in the studio working on new music. It is totally fine with me, I love watching Khleo come up with new music. He gets all into the zone and focuses intensely on his work. But then when he is in the studio listening to the beats, and trying to come up with lyrics.

When he sings is a whole new other story, he is just breath taking. Khleo gets so into his performances it is just a whole other thing, he gets so into it. That isn't fake, you see other singers who fake their music, but not Khleo.

"Alright we are here" Erica says as we enter the studio. Khleo has been in the studio since 5 am. And it is now 9. We are supposed to be leave like right now in order to make it to his mom's house. I made my dish like he said and bought some wine as well.

We walk into the studio and once again I am captivated by Khleo. He is in the booth singing and all I can do is stare like a creeper. He opens his eyes and smiles, once he finds me. Khleo finishes and then comes to me wrapping me up in his arms.

"I packed clothes for you, since you might now want to arrive at your mom's house in sweats, and everything is in your car. Yes I drove your car get over it" I told him and he just smiled.

"Let me shower real quickly in the back and we will leave" he kisses my forehead and disappears. I talk to Erica while Bow Wow raps up, and Khleo reemerges 10 minutes later freshly showered and in the clothes I packed for him. "Ready sweetheart?" I take a deep breath and nod. I saw goodbye to Erica and wave to Bow Wow and we head out.

"So my main family will be there, my mom and dad, my brothers and sister. Then some other relatives." He informs me and I keep getting more and more nervous. I dressed in jeans, heeled boots, and a blue blouse with a cardigan. I slightly curled my hair and applied light make up. Khleo took my hands in kiss and kissed it, "Don't me nervous sweetheart they will love you".

Once we get to his moms house I take another deep breathe and exit the car, hand Khleo the dish and grabbing both bottles of white wine. He opens the door and we walk inside, already hearing comfortable and hearing the laughter throughout the house.

"MOM! Khleo is here!" I hear a little girl's voice say and I imagine that is his little sister Khaleea. As she runs up to him and jumps in his arm, I can't help but smile at the affection he shows towards her. He sets the dish aside on a nearby table and hugs her. "I've miss you" she says and he holds her.

"I've missed you too" he finally sets her down and she looks at me confused. "This is Jesse, she is my girlfriend" he tells her, and she smiles.

"The one you had to fight more?" fight for? Oh yes he definitely did.

"Yes this is her, good thing I finally got her huh?" he looks at me and smiles. I can't help but smile either.

"She is pretty" she runs to me and hugs me. I hug her back.

"Thank you Khaleea, you're pretty too. I love what your wearing it's nice" I tell her she doesn't seem to not want to let her go so I pick her up as I stand straight.

"I was forced to wear this. I wanted to stay in my pajamas" I laugh and so does Khleo.

"I wish I could stay in my pajamas too. But don't worry, you look beautiful." Then I see a lady and two other boys that look exactly like Khleo. Oh man this is the time. I set Khaleea down and she stays right next to me. Khleo puts his hand on my lower back and takes his hand in mine.

"Hey mom" He hugs her with the same affection as Khaleea. They part and he looks at me, "This is Jesse, my girlfriend, Jesse this is my mom Raquel, my brother Khadeem, and my other brother Khameel" I shook everyone's hands and smiled, and in return I received smiles back and his mom was extremely sweet. But I could see the skepticism in her face, she didn't trust me. I don't blame her, I wouldn't either. She must think I am only with him for his money, which I am definitely not.

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