Toothless (Part-2)

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Hiccup POV

I ran towards the village only hours previously I had fled from. I ran through the narrow ally's that made up Berk, weaving my way in and out of people as they went on with their day. The town was packed! Why in the name of Thor's hammer was it this busy? I ranted as I continued my way to the main square.

When I eventually made it practically no one was there. "Strange you practically couldn't walk two steps without hitting someone five minutes ago!" I thought immediately crumpling it up into a ball and throwing it into one the corners of my mind. I had bigger things to worry about.....

I need to be more organized I said aloud thundering down the unusually quiet streets. The clothes I had successfully attained from my filthy room draped across my back if they were stuffed it would look like I had killed someone. Surprisingly I didn't run into Snotlout or anyone who caused me trouble at all. Although I did get attacked by a squirrel..... who probably thought I was a nut or something. As I approached the cove I heard something.. Something not right, there were voices! Voices coming from the cove!! I strained my ears in a vague attempt to hear what was being said it was no use. The voices were getting closer and closer, I darted towards the entrance falling head first down the cliff face pulling out a dagger. "What are you at?" A strangely familiar voice called from behind me, I span round expecting a trap my dagger pointed directly at whoever happened to be there. There was nobody other than a scared looking toothless. I lowered the dagger returning it slowly back into its holster. "Who were you talking to?" I asked plainly. "N-no one" He stammered his face still contorted with fear. "Right...." I said not fully convinced. "Sorry bout the dagger I thought you were planing something" I said focusing my attention on the cloths. Toothless remained quiet for a few short seconds before bursting out crying. I know I shouldn't but I felt really guilty.

"I said I was sorry" I yelled a little harshly. He ignored me. "I don't have time for this" I thought, scooping the crying boy up. "Let me go!" He screamed through tears. I placed him down on a comfortable looking rock. "Will this make you happy?" I said softly picking up my dagger and flinging into the lake. The boy stopped crying,
A mischievous grin formed on his face. "Now you" He said through giggles. "Say what" I asked in disbelief. "You heard me" he said crossing his arms and fake pouting. "You can't be serious!" I said backing up "Nope and if I don't hear a splash in thirty seconds there will be more tears" he said triumphantly. Fine I said diving in, as gracefully as an ostrich taking flight, Making a huge splash covering toothless in water. "Hey!" He shouted playfully, diving in. We must have spent hours splashing each other with bucket loads of water before I finally realized that he was naked. As quickly as I got in I made an attempt to get to land, however toothless didn't share the same views as I did and ended up dragging me down underwater. I don't know about him but I can't last very long under . I began to tap is arm soon the tapping became hitting until the world started to get black.

A few hours later

My eyes slowly opened my head was sore and I seemed to be in a cave. "What happened?" I questioned sitting up. Memories of the earlier events started flooding through my mind like a tsunami. "My head hurts?" I said confused "S-Sorry" a small voice chimed from the other side of the cave. "Toothless" I sighed relieved that he was here. He slowly approaches me his head hung low, "I'm sorry" he repeated. His body was dripping with what appeared to be blood. "Toothless what happened!" I shouted standing up and running over to his side. "I waned to get food" he said sadly.

"When we get to my house I'll fix you up" "In the meantime"


I lost interest in this story for a while but I think I've regained interest, so I will be updating more regularly now, thank you for reading!!


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