A turn for the worst?

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Hiccups POV
I sat still my back growing increasingly sore no thanks to the rock I was laying on. Toothless's patience was running thin. "I really like this, it suits me" he said doing a twirl. I stood up and jumped up onto the rock toothless ,who was facing in the opposite direction, heard this and took off running. I leaped off the rock and darted after him. He hid between a small crack in the rock just outside the cave. In my pursuit I didn't notice the semi naked boy wedged in between two rocks. I ran out in the freezing cold rain to search for a toothless who wasn't there.

1 hour later

I steered my tired legs into the cave. I was freezing. I felt sorry for toothless but I probably couldn't walk after him never mind run.
As I made my way to the back of the cave I began to see a light that illuminated one of the walls. I wasn't alone.... cautiously I stuck to the walls making my way down, I had no weapons so this was probably a pathetic idea. I leaped out screaming the hairy hooligan war cry. ,As gobber once told me "A vikings greatest weapon is in his voice.
Followed quickly by his axe", The figure leaped up startled. "It's me!" "It's me!" Toothless cried out fearfully

No ones POV
"Toothless?!" Toothless looked up towards hiccup there eyes met toothless were filled with fear and regret why'll hiccups own were filled with anger "i have been looking for you for the last hour and you've been hiding here?"
"Y-yes" he replied quietly. He grasped looking at hiccup. "Your chest" "what happened?" he asked approaching him
Hiccup cursed under his breath. "Im sorry for scaring you" "What happened to you hiccup?" He persisted ignoring hiccups pathetic attempts to switch subject.
Hiccup sat down "do you really want to know?"
"Yes, I'm your friend am i not?"
Hiccup sighed and motioned for toothless to move to the spot beside him

A huge thanks to Coyote223 for commenting on the previous chapter with an idea of what to do also thanks for sticking around with my lazy self  it means a lot to me


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

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