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[ smut warning ]

There was a steady knock on the bedroom door and you jolted to attention, burrowed under a fluffy comforter. Your wild mane of hair fell into your face as you turned toward the entry and covered your chest with the blanket, despite wearing an overgrown t-shirt.

Rather than step inside, your father had enough experience being the single parent to his daughter for many years to know better than to disturb your privacy. Instead, he shouted from the other side of the wall, "Are you awake?"

"I am now," you retorted petulantly, running a hand through your hair.

"The wife-to-be and I are going to breakfast," he told you. "Would you like to join us?"

There were times your father invited you along from a place of obligation, but then there were times like this when he genuinely wanted to give you an opportunity to spend some time with him and your future stepmother.

"No thanks, Pops," you replied tiredly, eyes squinting at the dreaded light worming its way through the curtains. "I need more sleep."

"Alright, well," your father spoke with disappointment, though he didn't sound entirely surprised. "Mark is dead to the world. Neither of us could get a word out of him. He must have been up until the crack of dawn. We'll leave the two of you to get more beauty rest, okay?"

You almost smirked, given you were the one at fault for Mark's exhaustion.

"Sounds good, Dad," you replied, muffling your words against the pillow you crammed between your arms. "We will be sure to join you next time. Promise."

You could practically feel him smiling despite the closed door between you.

"Sweet dreams, princess," he said a moment later, then you heard his footsteps fading away down the hall.

You hummed a delayed reply and dove back under the covers, flopping lifelessly to the mattress and returning into the cocoon of a lazy Saturday morning sleep.

Not five minutes had passed when your bedroom door opened. You were half-asleep, nearly tumbling into a well-deserved dream when someone crawled onto your bed and pulled at the blankets surrounding you.

"I know you're awake," Mark murmured, bracing himself above you on his hands and knees.

"Mm," you hummed, eyes closed as you hovered desperately close to sleep.

Mark lowered some of his weight on your body, lips immediately seeking out your neck to plant a few soft kisses.

"Let me sleep," you whined under your breath.

"Let me fuck," Mark retorted with a ravenous edge to his raspy morning voice.

Grumbling, you reminded, "I let you fuck last night."

Mark slipped his arms under your shoulders, getting a solid hold of you and dragging you down the bed until your head slid from the pillows and onto the mattress. You bounced slightly, but the action did little to rouse you from your daze.

"And I got hard just thinking about it," Mark confessed, snickering.

With a sigh, you murmured, "Just go slow."

"I will," Mark replied, pecking a gentle kiss at the corner of your mouth for letting him have his way.

Lashes fluttering, you hummed at the feel of him against you, reaching up to grab his arms as he balanced above you. When you felt his hard cock sliding against your clothed folds, you wanted to giggle. It had been less than twenty four hours since you last shared a passionate tryst with your future stepbrother and he had already come crawling back for more.

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