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[ smut warning ]

It wasn't a trick. You weren't trying to manipulate him. Nor were you being malicious. You panicked, plain and simple.

Your relationship with Mark was twisted, but feelings were there. Feelings of trust and...


That was the problem. Did you love Mark? Was there a chance in hell he loved you?

Despite all of the sex, there was certainly friendship. He was the one that made you laugh until your ribs ached. He was the one there for late-night pillow talks, where the two of you talked about all the mysteries of the universe until one of you fell asleep.

But love was a novel concept. You didn't believe in it anymore, courtesy of your father.

So you peed on three pregnancy tests and hid them from view, then ran another three under the sink. Obviously, those came back negative and Mark would see them. He would be relieved, as you would have been if they were the real result.

If Mark knew you were pregnant, he would derail his and your life to make things right. That was the kind of person you knew him to be. He would march right to your father and tell him what happened. Of course, that would be the exact fodder needed to set fire to the upcoming nuptials.

And meanwhile, you would spend your entire life wondering if Mark stayed with you for the baby or because he loved you.

You had to be sure.

That night, your father took his mother to dinner and Mark decided to celebrate the negative pregnancy tests the best way he knew how.

You raked your fingers through his hair and arched your back, moaning his name for all to hear. Mark sucked on your clit like a man starved. His rough hands kneaded the juicy flesh of your hips, reeling a hand back and sending a sharp slap reverberating through the room.

"Mm," Mark growled between your legs, lips wet against your pussy. Shit, you were gushing. Fuck, he had missed your body.

You lifted up on your elbows, head thrown back as you cried out for mercy in choked off moans and whimpers.

Mark glanced up, fire in his eyes at the way your breasts shuddered with your rapid breaths. You were jolting under his ministrations, twitching with the anticipation of a third release. One of these days he would happily make you orgasm until you passed out. And then he would never let you live it down.

"Dammit, I love this pussy," Mark growled, licking between your folds.

There was that four-letter word. Heat flushed your cheeks. Your heart beat violently against your chest.

"What else... do you love... about me?" you stammered, shaking with the way he rolled your bundle of nerves with his tongue.

"I love this ass," Mark retorted, pulling both hands back and slapping as best he could with you on your back in his bed.

You hid your face in your arm, biting down on a mouthful of those black, silk sheets. For fuck's sake, he knew how to pleasure you. He took such pride in it. The man ate you out like it was his goal in life to suck the soul out of you.

But of course, he only loved your body.

"I love the way you say my name."

Your eyes flickered open.

Mark slowly rolled his hips, grinding his dick against the mattress for friction. His cock twitched each time you moaned or keened at the heat of his tongue working you to ecstasy. "I love the way you kiss my neck when I come," he finally added, biting the inside of your thigh.

Two Can Keep a Secret || Mark Tuan (Got7)Where stories live. Discover now