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[ smut warning ]

Nightmares followed your dreams. You were alone, running until your lungs gave out. You shouted, but no sound left your throat. The world around you spun out of control before closing in and swallowing you whole.

You awoke with a jolt, eyes flashing open. Before you could collect your bearings, Mark snapped, "That is horseshit!"

Blinking in surprise, you could hear the mashing of buttons, finally remembering Mark was hard at work bonding with his PlayStation.

"Mark," you grumbled, unbelievably hot with the warmth of his body beneath you.

Mark glanced down at you on his chest. Seated in the recliner, you hadn't hesitated to wrap yourself in a blanket and straddle his lap, tucking your head beneath his chin for a long nap.

Stressing over your future, but doing absolutely nothing about it was exhausting.

"You need to calm down."

Mark snorted and retorted playfully, "Don't tell me what to do."

You chuckled and nuzzled his neck. He smelled so good.

Mark shifted, smirking slightly at how hard you were clinging to him. Your soft, supple body in his arms made him crazy out of his mind with desire, but for now he let you catch up on sleep. "What you doing later?" he asked after a pause.

Eyes closed, head heavy on his chest, you sighed, "Screaming into my pillow over what a loser I am."

Mark almost chided you, but he didn't want to appear to care too much, and teased instead, "I can give you something better to scream into your pillow about."

Had your eyes been open, you would have rolled them, but still you smiled. "My horny boy."

"I'm gonna hit it from the back. Been thinking about that ass all day."

"I can't wait," you droned.

Maybe you had rested enough. Mark had sex on the brain now and suddenly his game was boring as hell. "Let's go to bed."

Lifting your head, you asked, "Ready?"

"Yeah, I'm done," Mark said calmly, then shouted, "With this fucking piece of shit!"

You fought a chuckle. Mark and his rage with certain video games was no new mystery to you, and truth be told, was rather entertaining. He angrily shut off the console, as if being rough with such expensive equipment would teach it a lesson.

Mark watched you make the short trek to his bed, your hips swaying from side to side. You could practically feel his eyes on your ass, catching the tiniest glimpses of your pink panties when your sweater rode up with your movements.

Plopping onto the mattress, you gathered the blanket and made yourself comfortable. Mark sat on the other side, handing you the remote before rifling through the top drawer of his bedside table. You lay curled on your side, studying his back and the lines of his burly muscles. You were tempted to lick a hot path down his spine.

Mark turned around, the joint between his lips, and sidled up next to you. You weren't surprised when he steered you with his broad hands until you were on his chest. You rubbed his stomach with a gentle palm, feeling the firmness of his abs over his shirt. Mark puffed out a cloud of smoke and lifted the remote, channel surfing for something to fill the quiet background.

"What do you wanna watch?" he asked a moment later.

"I don't care. Something that won't be annoying when we fuck."

Two Can Keep a Secret || Mark Tuan (Got7)Where stories live. Discover now