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[ trigger warning ]

Jackson could always be counted upon. Mark slipped him a text and you weren't the least surprised when Jackson left, citing some excuse about needing to run to the store for booze in preparation for his next party.

Conveniently left alone with Mark, the moment the door shut, you rose from your seat and huffed, "Real subtle."

Mark was hot on your heels, fueled by the glass or two of liquid courage in his system. "I wanna talk."

"Maybe I don't," you snapped, stomping to the living room before whirling around to chide him. "Did you ever think of that? Or are you so far up your own ass about what you want that you forgot there's two people in this fucked up relationship?"

Mark stopped in his tracks. "So she's angry," he retorted, snide. "I'll take that over silence."

You scoffed and folded your arms tightly across your chest. "Of course, you will. You like when I'm angry, don't you? When I'm angry, I end up in your bed."

"Don't play victim," Mark said in a low tone that made you shiver, narrowing his eyes. "You know better."

He had you there. You undoubtedly knew better, knew it all along, but you hadn't cared. Not when you were drunk in how Mark made you feel. "You're right," came out in a sigh, softening only a little. "But this was just sex. You're the one that tried to make it more."

Seeing you calm slightly, Mark moved closer to you and shrugged. "Why is that so wrong?"

"Because we had one big fight and you immediately went out to fuck another girl," you told him, the mental image leaving a bitter taste on your tongue.

Mark shook his head and inched closer. "Nothing happened," he sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "I realized that I had feelings for you."

You could only keep deflecting for so long. It killed you every time he voiced his love for you and you didn't say it back. You knew it wounded him deeply.

At your silence, Mark came within arms' reach of you and whispered, "Where do we stand now?"

In the time you had known him, Mark had never sounded so vulnerable. You couldn't look at him, couldn't meet the hurt in his eyes. His voice alone was breaking you down.

"Nowhere," you replied harshly, fighting back tears. "We have nothing together. Not a thing to stand on."

Mark winced at that.

You thought of the baby and couldn't stop the tears from slipping down your cheeks. "This entire relationship was built on sex and revenge. What did you expect?"

Mark closed the last of the distance between you, cradling your cheek in his broad hand and wiping away a tear with his thumb. "I never expected to feel the way I do about you," he said, breath hot on your skin.

You peered up at him and your heart beat uncontrollably, but you planted your feet. "What do you want me to say?" you asked shakily, reaching up to lace your fingers through his to steady yourself.

"The truth," he replied without missing a beat. "Tell me you love me."

You rolled your eyes and snapped, "For fuck's sake, Mark. Is that what this is about? I don't love you!"

"You're such a liar," Mark hissed, sweeping you up in his arms and kissing you hard.

Your eyes fluttered closed and you locked your arms behind his neck, kissing him back with need. His feet moved urgently between yours until you weren't surprised to feel the wall at your back, whimpering softly.

Two Can Keep a Secret || Mark Tuan (Got7)Where stories live. Discover now