Chapter 2 - Feelings

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"I think I'm asexual."

Michael was silent staring for a moment, which worried Jeremy, he wanted to escape the painful silence.

Until he saw Michael smile.


"Mhm?" Jeremy fidgeted with his cardigan sleeves.

"That's fuckin' amazing. You're fuckin' amazing. And just so you know, if you're ever having trouble or if anything is going wrong you can always come to me. Ok?"

"Ok Micha." Jeremy giggles as a few warm tears fell from his face. He was ecstatic. Michael pulled him into a large bear hug, each of them stayed in each others embrace for what seemed like forever.
As Jeremy pulled away, Michael placed his now empty slushy in a cup holder and started the car to take them home.
After Michael dropped off Jeremy, he pulled into his own driveway, but didn't get out of the car.

'How can you do that so easily?' He thought as he squeezed his eyes to let the welled up tears stream down his face. He leans his head down until his forehead was placed onto the steering wheel. He gripped it tight, his knuckles turning white. He gritted his teeth trying to hold back the screams his throat yearned to let out.

'I can't even tell you I'm gay, and it's been 5 years...' he gripped his hair, eyes wide. "And in one day you tell me that..." he said aloud, sighing.

Michael wipes his face and left the car, his eyes puffy and cheeks red. It was dark out, 8:30 to be exact, and he was tired, aching, and sad.

He opened his front door and slipped up to his room. His mothers were asleep, so he decided not to bother them by saying goodnight, and changed into his pajamas. He wore grey sweat pants, a black t-shirt, and socks. He lazily took off his glasses, turned off his light, and fell asleep, dreading school and the homework he had yet to do.
Jeremy, already in bed, felt gloomy and a pit lie in his stomach. It was the worry for if he was actually asexual, and if not, having to tell Michael something else even though he has already said he was asexual, fearing Michael may refuse to accept he is something else, doubting himself being asexual, saying he wants attention, pacing his room just so he could move. The only other thought was one he refused to think.
'Am I gay?'

Eventually, Jeremy's legs had started to burn from walking around his room, he sat down on his bed, bouncing his leg until his eyes felt heavy. He quickly turned out his light and lied on his back. The last thing he thought about, the only thing that made him feel better.
Holy moly, it's 1:15am and I have yet to fall asleep. Woah. Sorry it's short, and sorry it took so long to get out, I'll update again tomorrow I promise. I owe you guys. 👏🏼👏🏼

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