The Prison Camp Diaries V: D&Ms

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  • Dedicated to The ones who hacked my laptop

So one thing i've learnt today (Besides how awkward it is to be in a car BY YOURSELF with YOUR TEACHER for 30 minutes is)  is not to leave my laptop out.

This can usually have bad consequences and here is why.

"You have to like reflect on your day

But we do get Beef and Burgundy for dinner


Prison food does't taste that bad if you block your nose and dont chew.

They say the land down under is grand, I think not

Its just a piece of dirt with Kangarroos and deadly snakes. Good times"

That is why we don't leave out our computers. Especially if they can easily be hacked.

Anyway you may be wondering why I was in the car with my teacher today.

I went to the Dentist and got a chip filled. And it was one of the most awkward experiences i've had for awhile. 

We had the longest and bitchiest deep and meaningful (D&M) I have ever had the pleasure of unfortunately being evolved in.

It was messed. 

And it kind of made me reevaluate my use of D&Ms

Deep and meaningfuls or Distraught Moose

think about it.

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