My only exception

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<Just bringing this up right now, im not going to be updating as much anymore, I will only update on weekends and when im bored and have nothing else to do>

(Stephens POV)
As I cuddled with Hosuh in a shirt that was like a dress for him, I nuzzled my face in his neck as it was 12am. Hosuh then shifted and I loosened my hold on him so he could move easier, he turned his body to me and nuzzled his face in my bare chest, "I thought you weren't ready for a relationship" Hosuhs soft yet tired voice says slightly muffled, I smile and rest my hand on his head and kissed his forehead "your my only exception," he looks up at me with tired eyes and smiles as I softly kiss him "I love you Hosuh" I whisper as Hosuhs face is buried in my chest again, "I love you too Stephen..." his voice trailed off as he falls limb against my body and sleep soon takes over my body too.

I woke to the sound of yelling, cursing, crying, and the- wait, Crying!? I quickly jump out of the bed as I notice Hosuh was gone and swing the bedroom door open to see Jay yelling at Hosuh as Hosuh was crying and.. Dan no were to be seen? I run back into the room, putting a shirt and hoodie on, with navy blue jeans and run down the stairs and standing in the middle of a yelling Jay and crying Hosuh, I look to Jay "Stephen move! Im going to stab this whore!!" Jay yells as he runs towards Hosuh but I tackle Jay instead, I then notice the knife in his hands as he stabs my side "Fuck! YOU!"I yell and punch Jay out of anger and pain, I couldn't see anything, all I could see was the color red.

(Hosuhs POV)
As I shouted Stephens name to get off of Jay I started pulling him, "Stephen stop, Stephen stop it, stop Stephen!" I finally pull Stephen off and we sat on the floor his eyes were dark purple, "Stephen stop it please!"I yelled as he tries getting back at Jay "Stephen fucking stop!!"

(Stephens POV)
As I heard Hosuh yell a curse word into my ear I could see again, I turned to Hosuh who was crying and hold him, I then stand up, weak from the stab wound as Jay lounges himself at Hosuh but stabs my back instead, I spin around and take the knife from him, poking his throat with the tip of the knife, he kicks my balls and I instantly fall to the floor the knife loosely in my grasp, Jay then reaches for the knife but I throw it behind me, I hold Jay with me as my back and side were stinging and bleeding, the lighter colored hoodie showing the large splotches of blood clearly, my dick was numb, I panicked trying to find something to do to keep Jay occupied. I kiss Jay instantly hating the feeling I tasted blood and his lips were slightly bigger and bruised from the punches he took, I then see police lights I quickly separate from him as I run to Hosuh who was holding the knife and his phone, he gave me a blank stare as I took the knife from him, throwing it towards Jay and instantly running upstairs. "S-Stephen" "Hosun~ it was to give you time, I promise baby" I say as I look at Jay who has the knife in his hands and the front door is kicked down and police swarm the living room with pistols, I run downstairs to get Dan as Hosuh followed "Hey!" Me and Hosuh turn to face an Officer as he had his gun pointing to my chest, I smile knowing that this is a newer and younger officer, I point to Jay and the other cops as he turns around and walks over to the circle of officers, rolling my eyes I grab Hosuhs arm and open Daniels door to find him crawling out the window I then push Hosuh to the window and close the door, I find a pen and a sticky note writing 'We left from the window, thank you officers'

I stick the note on the window before climbing out and holding Hosuhs hand and dans arm as we walk to the front of the house with the ambulance and 3 police cars, 2 of the police men had dogs and I walked over to the ambulance truck I took off my hoodie and shirt letting the doctor's clean the bloody wound, I had gauze taped to the wounds and got a blanket to wrap around in as Hosuh laid his head on my shoulder "Dan... why didnt you wake me the fuck up" I asked as Dan walked up to us "Because I felt you needed to be in the situation" I looked at the man with 'are you dumb' eyes and he rolled his eyes walking away. "Hosuh, are you going to forget that you cursed" more as a statement than a question "Im trying to" Hosuh says quietly as he nods, I smile and kiss his forehead as they bring Jay out with handcuffs and shove him into the car "I love you Hosuh, just.. dont curse, ever again" I say as he looks up at me and giggles a bit "I promise..."

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