The Dream

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As I was walking to school, I just kept thinking about that dream. What the hell did it mean? Was I actually in Headspace? Was it real? I didn't know. But thinking about it really just made it worse.

"Hey, are you okay?" My sister asked.

"Do I look okay?" I responded. My voice sounded like I was going to cry, even though I wasn't going to.

"Jeez, okay then. Just asking. You didn't have to get all depressed on me. I mean you did just pass out yesterday and now you're just staring at the concrete like it's the most interesting thing in the world."

"I'm just thinking about things. You don't need to get your panties in a twist."

"Bruh" she responds.

Nothing much happened. Well... heheh... THERE WAS THAT ONE TIME! *screaming ensues while sick guitar solo plays*. Hahahaha. Ahhhh. I'm sorry I'm just listening to Creature Feature rn. Can't just have a normal timeskip, eh?

I finally made it to skool. I saw Dib outside and there was still some time left so I decided to talk to him about the dream I had last night.

"Yo Dib!" I cried.

"What?" Dib screamed back at me.

"Come over here! I wanna speak to you!"

"Do I have to?!"

"Well yes and no!"

"You know what I'll just come over to you then!"

"Good choice! I don't want to explain what I mean by yes and no anyways!"

I heard some kids laugh and I felt like, a million eyes on me so I decided to double bird them just in case.

(A/N): Double birding means the middle finger but there's two of them just in case you weren't aware.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Dib asked.

I did a little lip smacky before answering his question.

"Well yesterday, I remember coming home and having my mom and sister embarrassing the crap out of me. Like, I literally passed out and quite possibly shit myself."

"Oh, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that I feel an excruciating pain in my head."

"Aw well that just sucks."

"Yeah it does." I paused for a minute leaving us in awkward silence. "ANYWAY," I said suddenly making Dib jump, "I had this weird dream once I had blacked out. I was in this white room and there were a bunch of strange looking people everywhere. And this banana started talking about how they were the voices in my head. It's less weird when I explain it to you though."

"Huh, I see. I never heard about those kinds of dreams before."

"Yeah, me neither. I asked you because I figured you might know what it's about. I mean you certainly are smarter than me."



The bell rang and me and Dib decided to walk to class together. We have the same one anyway. Either way we're walking to class together. It's not like we had the option anyway. But we still walked to class together.

My Little Goose Boy (Dib x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now