part two of five

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              Zombie world

                                                        Part two of Five

I couldn't beleave my eye's thinking that this place would be destroy, Zombies are walking around like regular humans.Thinking that they still eat flesh made me wonder what could be on a meau at the restaurant, walking over to this seems to be family restaurant zombies are coming in and out some was dress like miner's other in regular clothes.I walked inside zombies are sitting around conversating also eatting and glacing at a few plate's whlie walking up to the counter, some plate's have raw chicken, porkchops, human heart's it seems and not even one  fruit or vegetable to be seen. Reaching this counter and looking right into her eye's I couldn't have beleave it.

 "What will you have sir?" she spoken in a normal voice.

"O nothing I thought that Jerry was in here."

Walking out I wonder would anyone notice me since my double has been dead for 20 years, so quickly I headed over to the human meat store. CHANG! CHANG! bell ring. This meat store is just like a small one with only one large glass meat counter.

"Hey Todd when are you going to come to work?"

"Ya what are we doing today?" While looking at this 6 feet healthy zombie, he looks like he could eat 3 people at once behind this counter.   "I don't know your the manager Todd." "Ya thats right where's my office?"

"In the back are you alright?" "Ya just had a long night."   "Rememmber you have to cut up that human in your office."  "Female?"  "Yes, you know how long since we had a human like that,we will make good money from her."  "Ya ya but it seems that I lost some of my memory tell me we hunt human like humans hunt deer?"

"Yes."  "So who caught the female?" "Don't know some zombie just came in here and said you will need this,you just said thank you and took her to your office and she have been there for 6 month's now."

"Alright then this cutting is going to take some time so why don't you take the day off, I want to enjoy this and I'ill close up shop."

"Fine with me my wife has been wanting to go to one of these human movies anyway."

After he leaves I headed to the office entering this kitchen it's no nomal one with sharp hooks hanging everywhere,a dran in the middle of this floor also small and big knives everywhere on walls.

The door that says office I knew who was behind there, a woman who look just like my wife that was killed in a car crash 6 month's ago.They said that the man was drunk speeding down the same hill my wife was going up,he approach hitting her over a cliff the car tumble and then blew up.Opening up the door there she is looking just like Kelly from head to toe,I couldn't beleave my eye's my first thought is to hug her but can't.

"Don't be affaird sit down."  "Why should I listen to you,your not my husband!" With curiosity I needed to know how he dead.  "Why should I tell you anything your just going to cut me up and eat me."

"I promise if you tell me you will not be harmed." "Ya right."  "Beleave me I don't like to eat human."

"I don't know if he is dead or alive."  "What do you mean?"  "See all I remember is driving up a hill and this man was heading right for me then suddenly a big white flash blind me and i ended up here for 6 month's now that big over grown zombie keep coming in here telling how yall are going to cut me up and sale me to other zombies."

Couldn't beleave what I was hearing."Kelly what was the last thing you said to your husband." Tear's began to form down her face "Nomatter what this day brings you always gives me a smile."

Knowing right then that my wish did come true.  "I have to get you outer here."  Kelly looked at me with puzzlement. "Why."  KNOCK!KNOCK! "Who is it!" "It's Jimmy Todd I forgot my paycheck."

"Kelly help me look around for his check?" "It's right here on the desk." I then open up the wooden door handing him his check.  "Here you go." "Thanks did you get that female cut up yet?" "No not yet." "I could stick around and help you out."  "No that's alright go and enjoy your movie." "Ok see you later." Turning to Kelly.

"Is this the only place you have been?" "yes and how are you going to get me outer here?"  "I don't know yet."

"And why are you helping me you are a zombie?"

I looked right into kelly's pretty eye's and began explaning everything to her even when she suppose to be dead she grabed me tightly tears rolled down my face happy that she's alive.

"Kelly we have to get outer here."   "But how you just can't walk me right out of here." "ya I know."  "This man gave you powers of ability's is there something you could do?" I wish by snapping my finger." SNAP!

suddenly a pill appear in my hand,Kelly's eye's grew big. "Todd did you see that?" "Yes here that the pill."

"What will it do to me?" "If I'm right you will be like me." "How do you know?" "I don't just hopping it does so we can leave."

soon as she took it in minute she is form into a zombie.  "Now kelly what you will see you would have to clam down and act like them."She shook her head ok as we step out of the store doors fear runs through Kelly's eye's as she hold my hand tightly I was determine to keep her safe.

                                                           To be continued


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