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         Zombie world

                               4 of 5

We were on the road for hours looking for this place in a black 1993 jeep.

"Todd how are you going to get that flower?"

"We are not going for that flower right now." "Why."

"Kelly something is not right we need to know more about this world."

"It's full of zombies thats all you need to know."

"We need to find that colony." "No we need to find that flower."

"That man lie to me,dont you want to know the truth?" "No that zombie might have been ling to." "Why would he,he did help us out." "I don't know."

We continue on west driving,Kelly turns on the radio.

"This is radio zombie news reporting,we have a zombie Todd Armstrong who has  killed two officers and hiding a human if anyone sees them please call your nearest police office."

"Todd did you hear that?" "Yes we just have to keep moving." Weee!Wooo!

"Fuck!Fuck! cops are right behind us now what?" "Clam down Kelly."

Flying down a long strang wooded dirt road of a highway. BANG!BANG!BANG! back window goes out.

"Their shooting at us!" "Yes I know!" BANG!BANG!BANG!

"Look they stop."  "I see that,wonder what for?" "Don't know Kelly?"

"Where coming up on a huge wooden door." she said starting to get out of the car.

"Hey is someone behind there!"

Slowly coming out of a wooded area holding his gun towards us.

"Who are you?" "We are not zombies,we're looking for the colony."

"Well you found it and you sure look like zombies to me."

"Please we're not we just look this way to get pass them."Kelly replied quickly wipping make up from her face.  "Ok but what about you?" "Please trust me I can explain."  He looks at me again right into my eye's.   "Open up!" he yelled.

Slowly the huge door's open as we walk inside seeing many humans,houses and other things far as I could see,kids are playing paying us no mind.

"who's in control here?" I am and this is the human colony,whats your name?"

"My name is Todd and this is my wife Kelly." "my name is Eric and tell me where are you from?" "It's a long story." "Come with me so we could go somewhere to talk."  

We inter a town house home sitting down on a brown sofa. "Ok now talk."

I went on explaining my story again also how our world is. "Todd these zombies are not killers that the people in your world make them out to be."Then you explain to me whats going on?"Zombie world was created like yours when one of us dies of old age or anything esle we let the zombies take them." "Why is that you feed them your love ones?" "We are a small colony compare to them and dead bodys do pal up to where we dont know what to do with them so they agreed to take them away and zombies stay away from here but some don't listen and we would have to kill them." "I just can't beleave you people." "This is their world why should we change something their creater made just like yours." "Your human thats why."

"Should a zombie go to your world and change it because someone ask him to,think about it this is normal to us where it's not to yall."Ok if thats the case then why does he want me to change them into human?" "I don't know but you don't look so good let me call you a doctor."

Kelly looks at me strangly. "Are you alright Todd." "I don't feel so good

25 mins later thier doctor comes walking in with Eric "Is that a zombie?"

"No doc he just looks that way you need to check him." 

Moments later."Well Todd you have a high fever,so I'm going to take some blood and get back to you in a hour." "Ok doctor I need to lay down for a while."

Recovering from a nap I return to the living room seeing kelly crying on the doctor shouders and Eric pacing the floor.  "Whats going on here?" The way they all looked up at me right then I knew it was bad news. "What is it?"

He stood up with that sad look. "Todd slowly your blood cells is ding off and your changing into a zombie." "What! are you sure this doesn't make any since."

"What ever you took is turning you." "It just doesn't make any since why would they change me?" As I sit down now being to worry. "We will have to find you a cure." "I know Kelly and now that flower is my only cure." "But Todd you said that it's on a zombie bass and we can't fight a who army." "I know."

Holding Kelly's hand my heart being to break but I know what have to be done.

Looking into her worry scared eye's. "Listen sweetheart I wished for you to be with me and it came true,so I'm not going to be one of them,but this have to be done by myself." "No Todd you can't go along." While she start cry even more.

I huged her tightly as her tear runs down her face. "I promise to come back for you." "Please Todd come back."

Giving Kelly my kiss of passion I headed out on my mission to be cure or die trying.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2012 ⏰

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