As Jacky Hanson went to go live with his uncle at Reefside after getting used to living there he's introduced to not only an old friend but an old rival aswell how will he fair when he and his friend get the two evil dino gems?
This story will be fo...
"Holy hell im so sore" i whined in bed when i woke up from an almost sleepless night those damn voices kept me awake like i was an infant child afraid of the dark.After i was done with my whining i sat up and looked at my wrist to see the bracelet with the bronze gem in it 'What are you?' I thought to myself before getting up and taking a shower aswell as brushing my teeth.Everything hurt while i moved it hurt even more when i put my clothes on.
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I went downstairs after and my uncle was already drinking his coffee "What happened to you?looks like you got run over by a train" he joked around which i replied with a chuckle.
"I have no idea" i said taking a seat on a chair and eating some bread with nutella smeared on it and it was one of those thick smears if you catch my drift.My uncle sighed as he shot me one of those we've got to talk looks.
"I..i got something to tell you Jacky...and its not good" he said to me 'Can it get any worse than it already is?' I thought to myself "Oh shoot whats bothering you uncle?" I said as i saw a tear form in the corner of his eye.
" dying Jacky...i don't have much time left" he admited with my face going as pale as can be "What?what do you mean by that?" I asked as i was getting teary eyed aswell.
"Jacky..i i got terminal cancer" he told me as im now even weaker than before.I couldn't belive what i was hearing "But i..i can't without you" i said as the tears are falling down now "You can do anything Jacky i thought you already knew that" he smiled slightly and we just kept on talking for the next hour and a half before he said he was going to go rest a bit and as i didn't have much to do i went to hayley's.I drove to hayleys barely from how tired i was.
I was just about to head inside when Trent stumbled out nearly tripping."You okay man?" I asked a little dizzy myself which he replied with "Whatever we found it wasn't supposed to be found" i simply nodded as those voices in my head started calling again 'Give in it will only hurt for a moment' said a cheery female voice.I shook it off and suggested "Lets take a walk,we both need it after yestarday" i smiled slightly.Trent nodded as we walked to a more quiet part of the city into some sort of alley that looked like it hasn't been cleaned out in the last decade.
"Woah dizzy lets slow down a bit" Trent complained as he leaned on the wall with one of his hands.We turned the corner and a bunch of kids ran past us with Devin and Cassidy running behind them "I want my money or a tape of the white and bronze rangers!" Cassidy screamed getting those 'what?' looks from both me and Trent."What on ea....aghhhhh!" I growled in pain as we both fell to the floor clutching our wrists before we turned into our ranger forms.
"The eggs" The white ranger said with me responding with "Im on it lets split" giving eachother nods,he camouflaged and i teleported somewhere deep in the forest."Hmmm not where i left it" i said as i heard a motorcycle aproaching "A theif" i scoffed as i equiped my one of my sais and hid behind the tree the motorcycle will soon to be passing.After the sound of the engine came closer i swung my sai making the rider fly off.I walked from behind the tree and saw the blue ranger clutching my egg "Now now mother didn't teach you to steal did she?" I chuckled slightly.