As Jacky Hanson went to go live with his uncle at Reefside after getting used to living there he's introduced to not only an old friend but an old rival aswell how will he fair when he and his friend get the two evil dino gems?
This story will be fo...
As me and the White ranger were standing on top of our zords with the rangers's megazord staring a hole through us,the white ranger ordered his dragozord "Dragozord show these fools what you can do" before he leapt off to the ground."Rip them apart Spinozord!" I ordered and leapt off to where the white ranger was standing.
We stood and watched as the Dragozord flaped its wings making a strong gust of wind sending the megazord back.The red one complained "Woah no need to get crazy" he said as the dragozord took off and used its super speed to slash the megazord with its wing.Next the Spinozords claws extended and glew a bronze color before it slashed the megazord itself sending it to one knee.Our two zords continued their attack before i heard the black ranger shout "Stegazord activate!".The stegazord stumbled down to the battlefield and i nudged the white ranger before he said "All according to plan" with his deep voice.He retracted his drago sword and swung it in the air making pinkish lines come out of it.
"Stegazord you are under our comand" he uttered as we both leapt into our zords.When i got inside i logged into the zord before taking a look around the place and smirking."Misrule Megazord,Formation!" The white ranger barked.
The dragozord picked up the stegazord with my spinozord hanging from the tail before it took us high up in the air,after the dragozord let go it separated into the body and head,legs and wings.The wings went on the back of the stegazord and retracted so they werent in the way,the legs formed an arm with one of the claws detaching.The formed arm attached to the left side of the stegazord.After that the Spinozords legs detached and attached to the bottom of the stegazord while the rest of the body went in place of the right arm with the jaw opening and connecting with the other dragozord claw.What remained of the dragozord became a staff sort of weapon that my spinozord held.The last thing to happen was the flaps on the stegozord opened to reveal the face of our megazord.
Mine and the White rangers control rooms connected before i heard the red one in shock shout "They stole the stego!" With the other two being as astonished as he was."Well what do you think?" I asked with a cocky voice "Pretty good for some new guys eh?" the white ranger added as the megazord held the dragozord pike over its shoulder much like the white ranger does with his sword.
Their megazord got into a fighting stance before the yellow ranger asked "Why are you doing this?you're losing it" with the white ranger answering "'re the one losing it and you're losing it to us".Our megazord slashed theirs with the pike,then tried a second time but they cought it in the parasaurzords tail.Both our megazord spun around as if they were in a boxing match before the blue ranger comanded "I say we go at them full on,tricera fist!" He said as we got hit in the megazords mid section.
The rangers unattached the parasaurzord and the red one shouted "Tyrano drill!" The tyrano drill started spinning."Enough playing around,Misrule Stinger intercept!" I ordered as the megazord placed the levatating dragozord staff in the air and charged it up with lighting,sending it crashing through the ranger's megazord.They screamed in pain as their megazord disassebled and booted them out.
"Now we'll take the rest of the zords" said the white ranger before we heard a roar in the distance we turned the megazord to see the pink ranger coming towards us with her new zords
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