Part 3 (E)

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Naruto woke up in a environment. Her eyes widened as she got up quickly. Too quickly to make her dizzy. She held her head in pain. She faintly heard the door knock.

"Come in," she said painfully. The door opened and revealed a maid. 

"Good morning Princess Naruto, how was your sleep?" asked the maid.

"Alright but don't call me Princess Naruto please. Just call me Naruto," said Naruto, as she sighed but having the feeling that her request won't happen.

"No can do ma'am, we're trained to respect the Royal Family even if they don't like it," said the maid pushing her glasses up.

"Royal Family?" asked Naruto, raising a brow. The maid blinked.

"Did you forget? You're engaged to Prince Hitsugaya," said the maid.

"Oh yeah, I kinda forgot," Naruto said embarrassingly. The maid giggled softly. 

"So what's your name?" asked Naruto, making the maid blink before smiling.

"My name is Nanao Ise, ma'am," said Nanao.

"Nanao, ne? What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman like you," smiled Naruto. Nanao blushed.

"You're more beautiful then I am," said Nanao making Naruto laugh

"Am not," smirked Naruto.

"Anyway, Prince Hitsugaya has requested you to join him for dinner," said Nanao. 

"Dinner? How long have we been travelling?" asked Naruto, confusingly.

"For 28 hours (1 day and 4 hours) ma'am, you were in a Chakra coma for 1 day. Your Chakra was going out of control but the guards were able to stable it. You must be pretty hungry, though," said Nanao. Naruto nodded and got up. She grabbed her bag and got some clothes. She looked at Nanao.

"So how much longer do we have until we get to the Land Of Spirits?" asked Naruto.

"We're at the Land of Snow," said Nanao. Naruto blinked and then felt a wave of coldness before shivering. Nanao noticed it.

"Lord Hitsugaya demanded the riders to not stop. Mainly, it should've taken 40 hours (1 day and 12 hours) but Lord Hitsugaya hates the heat and Sunagakure has a lot of it. Another reason he hates the heat, it's because it's always cold here and the heat is at a bare minimum but everyone prefers it like that," said Nanao. Naruto nodded and quickly got changed. Nanao showed Naruto to the dining room. Nanao bowed and left. Naruto's heart skipped a beat once she saw Toshiro sipping on a cup of tea, waiting for her. She sat in front of him. Toshiro put his drink down and looked at Naruto.

"Did you have a good rest, Naruto?" asked Toshiro. Naruto's mouth dried.

"Y-Yeah I did," said Naruto, nervously.  

"Are you hungry?" asked Toshiro. At the cue, Naruto's stomach growled. Naruto blushed and Toshiro chuckled.

"Don't worry, food will be here in a minute. So care to tell me about yourself?" asked Toshiro. Naruto nodded. Once the food was brought to the table, the two ate and talked about their lives. It felt like the two knew each other their whole life. During the whole discussion, it made Naruto fall harder for Toshiro then she actually thought. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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