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Your POV
"No! Humans are hopeless,weak,stupid,you humans could be died if we just suck your blood,you can't attack us! We're strong,brave,every single thing are better than humans!!!" He says,he scared me when he suddenly have that big reaction,"Woah...calm down...just calm down okay?" I says,he inhaled a big breath and let it out," know...I've been a vampire for five months...not too long but my mind has been integrated into this family...a family of scary monsters...nobody will get close to us when we showed the fangs,I really hate that I don't even have a friend..." He says,"I could be your friend" i says,"Don't you scared of me? I have sharp fangs,which makes me bite people,sucking blood everyday,we'll lose ourselves when we starve too much,and we caught won't be able to survive..." He says,"I don't care,because I trust you,I trust you won't kill me,and I'll be safe around you" I says,he didn't response,suddenly someone knocks on the door,"W-what??? I'm sure no one knows where I live,and my family is all at New York,I don't think they'll be back without telling me..." I says to myself when I'm walking towards the door,I opens the door and suddenly I got pushed on the ground with someone holding my neck again,I looks at the man,he looks directly into my eyes,what I could see is anger,I think he's here to  find...the friend who I just met,"M-master?" He says,"Thomas,I knew you're here,I'm here to get you out of here,just let me finish my meal here" the man says looking at him and looks at me at the end,the man's fangs are getting closer to my neck,"No!!!" He says,the man stops what he's doing,"What?" The man says,"Don't hurt her!" He says,"What Thomas,you have feelings for a human? You idiot,she's just a human,and humans are our food,I bet you didn't forget you're a vampire right?" The man says,I think I could be sure that the boy I saved is called 'Thomas' "She isn't! She saved me! You remember last night???" Thomas says,"Yes,I remember,we had our fight with those VKs,that's the time when we separated!" The man says,"Well,when we separated,one of those VKs followed me cut my chest,and because of I'm losing too much blood,it made me past out,for the whole night!" Thomas says,"Well,if you lost blood,I'm sure you're going to be crazy,because if you lose blood,you'll be more thirsty than before" the man says,the man stands up and let me go,the man walks towards Thomas,I stands up and looks at Thomas,"Thomas,what can you see?" The man asks,"A human..." Thomas says,when I look into Thomas' eyes,I could see his eyes are turning red,bright red,just like how the blood looks like,"And what can you see in that human?" The man asks again,"B-blood...NO!!!" Thomas suddenly shouted,he looks like he's resisting... "No,you're a vampire,you can't run away from that truth,and look, that juicy red blood you need?" The man says forcing Thomas to look at me,"Y-yes..." Thomas says,when I look at his eyes,his eyes are changing color,sometimes brown,sometimes red...and his eyes are watering...he suddenly close his eyes and looks down quickly,"QUICKLY RUN YOU SILLY!!!!!" Thomas shouted,when I heard that I quickly run outside my house and run away from it as far as I can,I wish I could help him...
*time skip*
It's been two hours since I ran away from my house,I sat in a park that I always goes,but it's a bit far away from my home so,it does take time to get here,I only have my phone and my wallet,I didn't bring other things because you know,I only got dressed for going out and suddenly Thomas attacked me,then the man is the next so...I didn't prepare too much things on me...I wonder where are they,and what are they doing now? Did they leave my house? I stands up from the bench,I need to go home now,I need to check if he's okay,and I have to see they left my house or not...!

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