Vampires and VKs

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Your POV
I just reached my house and opens the door slowly,after a few seconds that I opened the door,no one's in the house,I've checked all the widows,all locked,the walls and the whole house,is all fine,not even a dust they left,I think they're left by opening the door,just like humans do,I don't know what happened after I left but,I really wants to know is Thomas okay or not...
Thomas' POV
Master caught me to his secret place,again...
"QUICKLY RUN YOU SILLY!!!!!" I shouted with my eyes still shut looking down,I hate him,I really hate him..."Oh,looks like you really have feelings for her,do you?" He asks,"I...I don't know..." I says,"I don't have to act like you don't know anything about her,I knew you will have feelings for a human,just like an idiot" he says,"I don't even know her! Even her name!" I says,"Is that so?" He says,"Yes!" I says,suddenly I got grabbed on my shirt pulled out of the door,after a few seconds we are back here,his secret place...
-flashback ends-
And that's how we're here,and I lied to her,I've never been a vampire only for a few months,if I'm really only have been a vampire for a dew months I would be able to walk around the streets like normal,because the first year of being a vampire,is a test,a test that needs to see if you could really adapt being a vampire,drinking blood,using the powers properly,hiding fangs or something like that,if you've pasted this test,you could life in this world with humans around you,and the true time I've been a vampire,is three years,way longer than she thought,I lied to her because I don't want her to scared about me,I want to be friends with her,because she suggested it first,I hope it's okay if I could control myself and try not to hurt her,or she will not trust me again...I really don't want that to happen...and this secret place,when I'm during the vampire test,I'm trapped here,I've tried many ways to get out of here,but the year has pasted,so I could come here by myself,and I don't need to be trapped here,it's painful during this test,so it is hard to be a vampire,if your master is him...well,these are in the past now,but he has a warm heart as well,if you have pasted the test,he will give you freedom,and you could go to where you want,of course,for our safety,he will be always there,watching us,if we're in danger,he will come from nowhere,when we're okay,he'll disappear again,no one really knows where he is,but well,if he have to watch us,of course he'll be on the high places,and when he wants us to see him,we will sence him,that causes us to know where he is,when we gathered around,it's always a secret place,where no one knows,well,because we're vampires,we need to hide the true side of ourselves,which is hard,and why we can't live with humans together? Aren't we the same? I know,vampires need to drink blood,but we could drink animal bloods for replacement. Then why VKs won't stop killing us??? You must be wondering,what is VK? VK is the short name that we called them,the 'Vampire Killers' that's why we call them VKs,which is easier for us to call them,when they found out that we're vampires,they will kill all of us without a word,they won't show a mercy even if we have a relationship to each other,because that's their mission,their life's mission,and god made us have endless lifes,we won't die,or hurt,vampires will only get hurt because of iron,we're scared of iron,and VKs,they will only get hurt if our nails scratched them,our nails are made with something special,we don't know that much,but the important thing is,if it's useful for hurting the VKs,then that's enough..."Thomas!" Someone says snaps me out of my thoughts,"Huh? Yeah?" I says,then he gives me a glass of blood,"Drink it,you must be hungry" he says,I takes the glass and drink it,it taste good,my scars healed fast,after a few seconds later it's all healed,"Thanks" I says,"Why did you come?" I asks,"Because I sensed you,that you're in danger" he says,"I'm not even in danger,when we separated the VKs are already gone" i says,"But I think you're not all correct" he says,"What are you talking about?" I asks...

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