Chapter 2 (new)

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We awake in a dense, beautiful, green forest. I look over and see an old sign.
Next to a tiny beaten path. "Lafrane, wake up." "What, I'm up. What happened?" "I guess we got moved here by someone. Where are we." "I don't know." We were transported to an area in Florida, an anchient animal preserve. Humans haven't seen any of the ancient animals that are suppose to live in this area. They think they are just hiding in the center away from people. Some people have reported seen some of these ancient animals. "Well, Lafrane, I guess we better follow this path." "Yeah, we have no use sitting here." They went on walking along the path. We were walking for at least a mile before we came across an open area covered by the tree tops. In the center of the open area there was a stump with a small wooden box. "Watinsi look." "What is it." "It's a little wooden box." "Lets go open it up." We went to open up the box. I lifted up the latch and opened up the box. As soon as the box opened up, two crystal necklaces floated into the air, a red and blue one. The blue one floated over to me and the red one floated over to Lafrane. We grabbed them out of the air and put them on.

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