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"This wasn't just a coincidence Erick, its a sign. You have got to trust The Chairman. He's more knowledgeable with this than you."
Erick pressed his lips together and shut his eyes tightly.
"I'm trying my best to save her. I can't give up on her now. Besides, we can't trust The Chairman. Or anyone in The High Chair. But I trust you Emma. Please help us."
Emma grabbed his hand and gently squeezed it. She could never deny Erick. He was her soulmate. Her best friend. Nodding,  she said, "Alright,  alright. But please stay for the night.  It's awfully dark to travel tonight."
Erick seemed to be lost in oblivion when he nod.
"Tell security to do a thorough search of Erick and his daughter in the Emperor's City. Then we'll visit his friend Emma in The Lake."
The Commander waved his hand to his team and they hopped on to their motorbikes.
The Chairman gestured for The Commander to come closer.  "Commander Charles, when you see Emma, you know what you must do, " The Chairman said sadly to him. "Yes sir, " The commander said, turning to leave. The Chairman stood still for a minute and them reached for a framed picture. It was in summer, that sunset The Chairman knew all too well. Sitting hand in hand were two 13-year-olds, a girl and a boy. The girl had a smile on her face and was looking at the camera like she holds the secret of the universe and a hint of pure joy. While the boy, sandy black hair and all, was looking at the girl longingly with a smile on his face. "Oh Lisle, you left too soon. I haven't even told you everything. I'm so sorry. I will seek justice for you," he said, hot tears falling for his now shut eyes.
The baby was crying. Erick almost tripped over a stray branch but got up immediately. He knew what would happen if The Commander caught them. He'd take his baby away and bring them to The Chairman to do God-knows-what. He jumped over a fallen tree and sped through the cold wind, hugging the baby tighter to his body. "We're almost there... Don't worry... I'll keep you safe," he said between breaths.
He was still rushing past moist leaves when he heard it. Ding-ding-ding. The signal. It was a faint sound of bells only he could hear which indicated that at least 30 feet due South, in which direction he was running, from where the bell was, there will be a Wall. A Wall is an invisible partition, a few hundred feet high and a thousand feet wide, that when a credible person passes while saying the incantation a few feet before he reached the Wall, would vanish in thin air, the instant he passes the Wall. In this case, the men running after him will see him disappear into thin air together with the baby or they would see illusions that look like they were still running away from them. There were lots of Walls in the world and only those people in The Clan know the signs when you're nearing one.
Erick mumbled the incantation and as he passed the Wall, only his heavy breathing and his baby's cry were the only sounds he heard. No men with guns behind them. They were safe. For now.

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