closer then best?

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The next day Steven would be rudely awoken by Spinel who had crept in to his room when Pearl wasn't paying attention.

"Time to get UP theirs soooo much I wanna do with you today Steven best buddy!". She would say whilst shaking Stevens bed.

"I..Im up woah! Im awake you can stop now!" Steven would say groaningly rubbing his eyes.

"SO~ I was up all night, Pearl wouldn't let me see you the jerk, she watches you sleep ya know, didja know that? anyway I ended up watching a few movies to kill time and and... is it true theres stuff BEYOND best friend?" asked the overly excited gem.

"Oh, you mean Like... a lover? well that's when two people cant get enough of each other and wanna be together forever" Steven would say now sitting up in bed.

"HEY then, then are we in love? cuz that is exactly how I feel about you Steven!" Shed say leaning forward almost touching noses with Steven.

"Ah..heh.. well.. I like you Spinel.. but ahh...I love Connie.. it's more complicated then just wanting be be together all the time" Steven grimaced knowing he may have just ruined the rest of his morning.

".....You...dont like me that much....Oh.... Well aint that swell..ok Steven Ill change your mind you'll LOVE me more then that fleshbag by the end of the week! I take this as a challenge and I wont fail!" Spinel said in a deadly serious tone and with that she sped out of the room.

"Im scared.. Pearllll!!!" Steven called out and almost immediately Pearl was at his side.

"What's wrong Steven? you dont look so well" Pearl asks with her arms crossed.

"It's Spinel, I think shes taking this friendship to far, she just told me that she was gonna make me love her by the end of the week, and she smothers me as it is so-" before Steven could finish Pearl sighed.

"Ill talk to her, you dont need to worry yourself over it" she would say starting to exit the room.

Meanwhile back in the living room Spinel was pestering Greg.

"Love with a gem is fusion but its different with you humans, I wanna know what you humans do that is sooo special, You had Pink what did you two do?" Spinel asked innocently.

"Never thought id be Having this conversation again, The difference between gem and human love is only different when it comes to expressing how you feel,Steven wouldn't exist now us if not for that" Greg hesitated about going any deeper on to how it was different when pearl enters the room. 

"Spinel I must talk with you about Steven. Being his Friend is enough if you push it you might hurt him or yourself. so Im warning you now lay off." Pearl said sternly.

"Is this you being jealous? or have you never wanted to LOVE anyone?" Spinel would snap at Pearl agitated at her interference.

Pearl on the other hand was insulted gravely she knew what it was to love and lose that love.

"Love is not an emotion to treat with kid gloves Spinel its heavy and deep and it's effects are forever.. like when you were abandoned but 1000 times worse if you lose it. please stop now" Pearl pleaded.

"You are in love with Steven? when did that happen?" Greg would say confused 

"Whats everyone's problem, Love looked like bliss in toughs movies you let me watch last night, why cant I have that? why?"The pink gem huffed and balled her fists.

"This is part of why, you overreact to much you ll hurt Steven!"  Pearl said taking a step closer to Spinel.

"NEVER, All I want us to be is happy! all you think about is what if I mess up, well I WONT mess up! leave me alone!" Spinel winched her eyes slightly teary as she dashed out of the house.

Steven slowly enters the room.

"I've gotta explain it to her better, this dosent have to spiral out of control" The boy would say walking past Greg and Pearl to the front door.

"Give her some space first, she wont react well right now" Greg would say worriedly.

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