Old Wounds Made Fresh

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Spinels breath became haggard as Pink reformed before her eyes, she should be happy to Finally see her best friend right? heck no seeing her get a 2nd life is 6000 years to soon for Spinels liking, she had only just started to push this whole trauma aside but here she was in the flesh.

"How..can..Whats happening?" Asks a bewildered Pink diamond seeing her sister diamonds.

"OH PINK YOUR REALLY BACK!? I thought you had been lost to us forever..." Blue diamond says bawling like a baby.

"You shudda stayed dead....all you do is cause pain for everyone around you...especially ME!!" Spinel would growl wielding her Scythe again. This time though she met resistance from both Steven and Pearl.

"If you think your taking my Diamond away from me again your sadly mistaken you dirty diamond murderer!" Pearl would harshly say her spear spinning around her slender frame.

"You can let mom apologize and we can get past this? right? please?" Steven says with his bubble shield out.

"Quit defending her! this is just between me and her so back off you two grrrr" Spinel says as she springs to the ceiling and then flips back from it over both Pearl and Steven.

"Quit defending her! this is just between me and her so back off you two grrrr" Spinel says as she springs to the ceiling and then flips back from it over both Pearl and Steven

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"Pink dear, defend yourself..wont you?" Mithral would say as he floated by her.

"Wait, whys she mad? oh hey Spinel I didnt recognize you at first, whats with the edgy style you got going? heheh" Pink says not taking in the life and death nature of the situation.

"EVEN YOUUU FORGOT JEZZZUZZZZ GRANITE COBALT! I shudda figured you would, but hearing it hurts all the worse. YOU LEFT ME IN THE GARDEN!!!"Spinel yells and she swipes at Pink who easily dodges the assault.

"Of course I did, thats where you belong, if I had taken you with me then I might lose you, you know, well that and.. to be honest It would be kinda hard to run earth with you distracting me with games all the time.." Pink explained  as she projected her sword and deflected Spinels Scythe.

"IM NOT A TOY TO BE LEFT TO ROT!! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS PINK!!" Spinel says as she finally lands a hit on Pinks shoulder nearly causing her to drop her sword.

"Spinel THATS ENOUGH, STOP THIS ALREADY!" Stevens plea falls on def ears as the battle rages even the other 2 remaining diamonds cant seem to get close the way Pink and Spinel were fighting was speeding up and neither seemed to be wearing down.

"Hey heres a tid bit of info that might blow your minds to hear, Spinel's were made for 2 functions 1 be your best friend, and 2 being a diamonds right hand soldier more so then a pearl, for the Spinel should be able to deal with PLANET sized problems on there own, sadly though I never saw the diamonds implement the 2nd function I wonder why? anyway dont mind me eheh..." Mithral floated back to whites throne and toyed with her remaining half having her reform really small as to fit in his hand.

"Ahhh!!! oh hey! whats the big idea! I was .. killed?" White diamond whines in a tiny voice, no one takes notice of her revival due to the current rumble in the middle of the throne room.

 Fists were flying as the two had switched things up dematerializing their weapons and dukeing it out with brute force.

" ah...hah...Spinel you are as fun as ever! Ive never seen this side of you!" Pink half out of breath but laughingly says.

"What did you say! IM NOT PLAYING! Im gunna shatter you and this time in to so many pieces that mister Mithral wont be able to put Humpty Pinky back together again!" Spinel says as she tornado punches Pink through a crowd of Gems.

"This is odd how is this evenly matched?" Pearl was generally confused.

"My Spinel is a Perfect cut, so matching a diamond blow for blow is not the least of her potential, once she learns to harness her Lethal set of Gem ability's Pinks just a pile of sand for her to blow away" 2.0 would proudly explain.

"Im suprised your not jumping in.." Pearl scoffed

"My Spinel Is fine so watching her do her thing is enough for me" 2.0 says sitting down her eyes easily keeping up with the action.

"Someone make them stoooop!" Steven was mortifyed, if Spinel really was capable of shattering his mom he had to save her,  so when no one made a move to help Steven dove behind his mom and bubbled around them both.

"Hey!!, Im in the middle of a reallly crazy fight here mind letting me go?" Pink says as she attempts to pop the bubble.

"MOM IM TRYING TO SAVE YOU!" Steven cried clinging to Pinks waist.

"STEVEN I thought I told you go away, She has to be PUNISHED!" Spinel roars and lands a huge punch to the bubble but all that accomplishes is pushing the bubble to the other side of the room.

"Steven ahh.. OH your my son? OK AWKWARD I wasent expecting to ever meet you... Mmmm so hows Greg?" Pink asks  

"Dads fine!, could you end this and apologize to Spinel now?" Steven was getting fed up with this now.

"I have nothing to appologize for Steven, Spinel just dosent understand her place in Gem society, thats all, once she comes to terms with what she is then she will stop..or if not I might shatter her, I dont want to of course but this is dragging on a bit... and I wanna talk to my sisters" Pink says as she nullifys Stevens bubble.

"I keep tellin ya, IM NOT GONNA TAKE THAT %^&% I deserve to be mad! I deserve revenge!!!"Spinel growls as she twists and readys another tornado punch.

"I keep tellin ya, IM NOT GONNA TAKE THAT %^&% I deserve to be mad! I deserve revenge!!!"Spinel growls as she twists and readys another tornado punch

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