All I want is someone

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Spinel sits across from Steven with Pearl and Connie sitting on either side of him and glareing at her.

 "Guys come on now, we've been through worse and forgiven people why's this diffrent?" Steven asks his overly protective friends.

 " She poofed us all and nearly killed you for one Steven! " Pearl would say whilst gripping Steven's shoulder.

Spinel huffed "I said I'm sorry, what more do you want a blood oath? Last time I checked us gems can't bleed for the exception of my bessssstest friend here Steven"

 "You're exaggerating Steven barely even knows you!" Connie would say as she hugged on to her man from the side.

 " It's cuz he's all that's left of pink Isn't it? It's not healthy to obsess over someone who..who's just not with us anymore" Pearl would fight back tears at the very thought of her beloved pink diamond still being around.

 "That's rich comming from my replacement...but you're wrong I'm done with that dirty rotten crag of coal, no offence Steven but that's all I see your mother as at this point" Spinels eyes dilated as she attempted to keep from flipping out.

 "Spinel wants a real friend and I don't think that's asking to much" Steven would say causing Spinal to tear up at the sentiment.

 "I knew you'd understand of all people" Spinel would say rubbing her eyes a bit.

 "I'm still not convinced but  fine.." Pearl says in a defeated tone.

 Shortly after the group disbanded and a bashful Spinel tuged Steven aside

 "Thank you, it means a lot that you stood up for me I really appreciate it" she hugged him tight 

 "No problem, now mind staying here while I go food shopping with pearl? Gonna try to get her to stop being so worried over all this" as Steven mentions them having to part from each other Spinel bites her lip and turns away.

 "Just...don't be to long ok" was all she could say

((Thank you anyone that's read this far, I think I'll even have a new drawing for this story next time xD till then bu byeee))

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