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I remember the first time I ever saw him. It was our junior year in high school and I was new in town. It was my first day of school and, of course, I couldn’t find my math class. I kept looking around the hallway for someone to actually see how distressed I was but no one paid any attention to the new girl. Until I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned and looked into the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. 

“Are you lost?” he said.

I was so mesmerized with him that I couldn’t even speak, let alone remember what he had just said. After about a minute of him looking at me like I was totally insane I finally answered him.

“Yes.” I said. 

A one word answer that made me feel completely like a lost 5-year old. Luckily, he just smiled at me and said, “What room number are you looking for?”.

After he helped me find my class and gave me a small tour of the school, he “accidentally” kept running into me in the hallway. We became really great friends right away.. I had other friends but none of them like him. He would listen to all of my family drama and wouldn’t judge me. He just always knew what to say or do to make me feel better. He knew when to talk or when to just hold me and let me cry it out.

I fell in love with him right away. The way his smile reached his eyes and the way he always called me Lee instead of Ally or Allison like everyone else did. Maybe it was the way he held my hand or the look he would give me when he first saw me in the morning.

We did everything together. From homework to prom, we always knew that the other one would be there. He was my first and I was his. I thought that he was the one, that he would always be the one. But what I didn’t know, was that when we graduated high school, was the last day that I would see Evan Wright for a very long time.

Hello everyone this is my first book ever on Wattpad. I would appreciate it if you can leave any comments or opinions. Any feedback is great. Thanks and I hope you enjoy.

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