Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Evan rushes into the room with the gun pointed at Gwen.

“Where are they Gwen?” Evan asks in a harsh tone.

“Oh I must have lost them. I swear they were right here.” She says trying to sound innocent.

“Where are my children you psycho?” I yell standing up. I rush over to her and slap her hard across the face.

“You tell me where my children are right now! Just because Evan won’t shoot you doesn’t me I won’t.” I yell in her face.

“I didn’t lie when I said they were in here. Maybe your just not looking right.” Gwen says with a mischievous smile. 

I can’t believe this crazy wench. She really is mentally challenged. Not even me threatening her life does she show any sign of being scared. It takes someone truly unstable to not be afraid for her life.

“You really are crazy.” I say defeated.

“You have no idea what I will do to get what I want.” She says in reply.

“What are we going to do?” I ask Evan unsure of what to do now.

“I’m going to tie her up in the bathroom and we will look for them.” He says pulling Gwen in that direction.

He comes back and we search the apartment continuously for three hours. We turn the place upside down and have no luck in finding my family. I sit on the bed exhausted and just start crying. Crying for my babies, crying for my mother, crying for everything that is going wrong in my life. Evan sits beside me and hugs me tight. 

“I’m sorry Lee. Maybe we should call the police now.” 

“Yeah,” I say wiping my tears, “maybe we should.”

“I’ll get the phone from the other room. We will find them Lee, I can guarantee that.”

I smile as a response, not able to speak.

Evan goes to the other room and I just sit there quietly. Just as I am about to get up to go with Evan I hear a sound. I wait to see if I hear it again but nothing. I chalk it up to it probably being the neighbors and head out of the room.

Just as I reach the bedroom door I hear it again. It’s some sort of whisper. What if it’s a ghost? Oh, no! I do not deal with ghosts. 

“Is there someone there?” I ask loudly. I grab a bat that Evan has by his bed, you know, just in case.

I hear the sound again and can tell that it’s coming from the closet. I slowly make my way to the closet and knock. I know that I’m being ridiculous by knocking but you never know what could be in there.

I hear the whisper again and slowly open the door. I grab the bat tighter before pulling the light switch. I get back in a defensive pose ready for whatever may be in there. I wait to see if something pops out but nothing does. I slowly move Evan’s clothes searching for whatever that whisper could be but come up empty. 

“Maybe now I’m going crazy.” I say shaking my head. 

I pull the light switch but just as I am about to close the closet door I hear my baby girl.


It is the faintest whisper but I know it’s her. I pull the switch back on and look for any sign of a trap door or crack of an opening.

“Evan come quick!” I shout to him for help. 

I hear his footsteps running to the bedroom before I see him.

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